Outer Wilds. A lot of games have a high level of replayability, but your first playthrough of Outer Wilds is something you never get back.
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Really didn't think they could keep that same sense of mystery and wonder with the DLC, but they absolutely smashed it. And yes, this was also my immediate thought in answer to the question.
That’s one of those that I really gotta finish. I just wish the mouse and keyboard controls were a little better.
My buddy gifted me this game so he could experience my first playthrough as well.
This is the answer, and for anyone who hasn't played Outer Wilds it's still their answer and they just don't know it yet.
Mass Effect 1.
The first encounter with the Reapers, with Sovereign, is such an incredible moment. These horrifying, unkillable deities that can't be reasoned with or stopped that just want to destroy was so intimidating on the first playthrough.
The reveal about the mass relays and how they guided tech advancement was incredible too.
You exist because we allow it. You will end because we demand it.
Same here. The story and presentation are so sublime. ME universe is was designed so comprehensively and coherently it left me awestruck on many times throughout the first playthrough.
And the sequel is just a cherry on top, drawing from the now-estabilished world, themes, interstellar politics, all to build one absolutely epic finale. No other game managed to engage me so much.
Ultima Online maybe.
Im with you uo was magical
Oh god I loved that game. As an MMO, it had to learn so many hard lessons since it was so new and different
I'll never forget the day I started playing this game. It was so cool and so different from anything else I had played that I couldn't stop playing, and finished the game in one session. Awesome night!
The Mass Effect Trilogy, no hesitation
Best answer
Half-Life, hands down.
Definitely fallout New Vegas, just amazing game.
Horizon Zero Down. My favorite game ever.
I'm going to say 3: Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil and Subnautica.
FFVII and Resident Evil! Nice picks!
Oblivion. As much shit as it gets, I think it's still the best Elder Scrolls game to date, with Morrowind as a close second.
The first (and best) BioShock. I have no idea how I got away with so many years of not knowing the story or nothing being spoiled, but man, playing that for the first time was an absolute trip, especially that part.
BioShock was such a wild experience above and beyond simply being a good game.
I went in absolutely blind, after seeing an ad and just liking the aesthetic and wanting to shoot stuff - not expecting any of the philosophical content or storytelling of that quality, and it was one of those games that I finished and then just like ... sat there ... for an hour to process the ride I'd been on.
The Last of Us 1 & 2
Subnautica, easiest answer for me!
Probably Deus Ex.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Bioshock, more importantly, that scene
Easy, the game that started it all for me - Zork.
Bioshock and Silent Hill 2
Edit: also a very old and very obscure PC game called AMBER: Journeys Beyond. Basically, you had to go check on your collegue and do some ghost hunting and puzzle solving to save her
#BreathOfTheWild & #TearsOfTheKingdom
For #ToTK, I should not have even looked at the gameplay footage. I want to erase everything from my mind and rediscover everything!
Factorio. I had so much fun figuring out all the stuff it throws at you and making a mess of spaghetti beacuse you couldn't predict what was next to sort things out.
Would have loved to play some of the early 360 games online including Halo back in there prime. I just didn't have good enough internet for it to be playable back then.
Oblivion. Probably sunk 1000 hours sucking every last drop of dopamine out of that game.
Chrono Trigger.
I get to run through all 13 endings again? Experience all those plot twists and storylines? Yes. Please.
That first playthrough on New Game + was magical.
I'm stuck between three picks.
Morrowind, Tony Hawks Pro Skater, and Kingdom Hearts.
Star Fox 64
Factorio. I had actually become aware of how fun building games could be through Prison Architect a couple years prior. But Factorio took it to a whole other level. Extraordinary freedom and near limitless things to do -- it's distilled, weaponized, dangerously addictive fun for people who have engineering brains
Metal Gear Solid!
If I could also not have played Half Life, I'd like a do-over of Black Mesa. Don't get me wrong, HL is still brilliant, but the Xen section of BM is just chef's kiss
RDR2. Still the only game I ever took a day off for on launch day.
Halo 3 back in its heyday without question. The hours and hours spent grinding ranks in playlists and playing custom games is some of the best times I’ve ever had in gaming.
There are many, but I think I would take Morrowind, it was magical as a kid.
Red Dead Redemption. When the music starts picking up as you enter Mexico for the first time it was beautiful and something I had never experienced in a video game before.
Max Payne
The Witcher 3. Still love it after multiple playthroughs, but miss the feeling of exploratory wonder when I didn't have the map memorized.
Celeste, because dang are those platforming controls so good.
Other than RDR for its story, probably Minecraft with mods. So many thousands of hours with my friend...
I just mentioned this the other day to someone, so the first one which comes to mind is Zero Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors.
The Last of Us. Even when the credits rolled the first time I knew it would never hit exactly the same again
All for the same reason: What you learn and discover as a player is part of the game. You can't start a new game from scratch unless you get amnesia.