Real women have eyes the size of small plates, their head is twice as wide as their hips and they don't have visible noses, unless viewed from the side.
Bad Women's Anatomy
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I'll never forget when people lost their shit over the Horizon Zero Dawn protagonist having peach fuzz on her face.
The thing that got me was that they bothered.
You mean the people who are getting paid loads of money to model characters all day? I wonder why they bothered too. /s
And mocap actress was so pretty they had to tone down the alloy model, and make it uglier, in TLoU2 Abby's man body model, when they could have used a women's body model.
it's truly a artistic choice? Or it's the devs badly disguised fetish?
What fetish are you suggesting the employees of these companies in the chain of approval for these decisions all coincidentally had in common for it to make it out to a public audience unchallenged?
To be fair that does look like a dude
You seriously need to go outside if you think that looks like a man holy fuck
it’s okay kid, you’re allowed to be attracted to men with long hair.
I am attracted to men with long hair.
Don't know what that has to do with this picture though, this doesn't look like a man.
It’s Homelander in a red wig.
here this explains everything:
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Uhm, okay?
where's the chaos dragon
theyre right this DOES explain everything
The constsnt push for realistic graphics has created this kind of paradox where Gamers want games to look 1:1 like real life but they also have no idea what a normal human woman looks like.
Honestly, my first thought was that she looks like a younger Amy Dumas (aka Lita from WWE). It's really pretty weird that people are so quick to say she looks like a man just because she doesn't look like a waif.
Can I have games that look like Deep Rock Galactic but higher framerates and more zombies and more emergent gameplay dynamics?
Also devs who aren't crunched and are well paid so they can parent and touch grass sometimes too.
If I had to guess: Harry Potter takes his glasses off, makes love to Frodo, and they have a beautiful baby boy.
She looks like an average woman. People who go outside and interact with people understand that not every woman looks like a supermodel
People who go outside and are not socially inept unlike yourself also realize some women can look like a man at a glance.
Funny ad-hom definitely helps your argument
If this is what a "woman that looks like a man" is to you, you have not met enough women
Or men for that matter.
no srsly. deeply. honestly.
Looks a bit like Kristen Stewart in that screenshot.
There's just a lot of neckbeards out there that assume any woman with a better chin than them (and that's not difficult) is a man.
Good ol sexism from people wholl never touch grass, cause that requires them to go outside for once
Can somebody explain the re-Xed X?
The straightest Peter (parker) got the manliest MJ (Mary Jane), sadge (twitch emote for sad/cringe). It's a chud being a chud about Mary Jane not being fuckable enough for their tastes in a spiderman game, because that's an opinion people have now I guess
To he fair regarding the facts, MJ is supposed to be far more attractive than a “normal” woman and way out of Peter’s league. She fixes his fashion and gets him to ditch the glasses.
Idk, after a quick google I think this portrayal of MJ is faithful. Perhaps that's just me/my tastes. She's well above average. I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that could honestly say that she's average/below average.
Within the confines of comic books and adjacent media, perhaps she's not as attractive as originally intended due to the hypersexualization of people in this genre. That's more of a comment on the social conditions that lead to this trope rather than if she's fuckable or not though
Eh, fair shakes.
There like 56 versions of MJ and some have wildly different character traits, visual features, and relationships with Peter, to claim that MJ is "supposed to be" anything just betrays ignorance of the franchise
Can you explain the straightest Peter part too?
I can't.
I guess I missed the part in Spider-Man Homecoming, where Peter and Ned cupped each others balls...
you mean the retweeted tweet? because why the fuck would you show a corporation manners
I'm enjoying that their question really was gibberish to me before you put it in normal terms. May it always remain that way
Ah yes. Gamers are the oanes who want to push graphics to 1:1 with reality.
But she looks like shit
What? I think she is cute and hot