I think that you should update your post with information that this ban is only for 7 days.
I will no longer be able to assist with development
suggests that ban is infinite, which is not true.
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I think that you should update your post with information that this ban is only for 7 days.
I will no longer be able to assist with development
suggests that ban is infinite, which is not true.
Yeah but if you were in this position would really want to contribute again? It's virtually an indefinite ban when the reason is this absurd.
Yes, If I would contribute to lemmy, I wouldn't do it for the devs, but for the software and its users.
EDIT: But don't think that I support nutomic's reaction to OP's comments.
Where do you see that information? I didn’t even know it was possible to do this until last night so not sure how I’m supposed to know how long it lasts.
Sorry, I assumed that github shows it to you somehow. I know about it from nutomic's comment
Informative, and unfortunate.
100% agree with your take on the original issue - it should be a discussion between the devs, not edging along the lines of an argument. However, I do feel like the discussion would have been better suited to the dev Matrix chat or something
Even if they were upsetted by your comments, banning you was not the right way to handle that IMO.
Just do it like other projects - tag it as enhancement, postpone it forever, be done with it. And in case it's a useful enhancement, you can see the votes accumulating on the issue and maybe really reconsider implementing it?
Informative, and unfortunate.
Do you watch Louis Rossmann? I've heard him say that phrase many times in his videos.
Someone just linked me this, seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding. Pm me either through here or on matrix and we can try to get it resolved.
From Nutomic in this very post:
You kept posting offtopic comments which added nothing to resolving the issue. So I gave you a seven day ban, hopefully it will teach you a lesson.
Where’s the misunderstanding? Seems like this was intended based on their reaction.
Looks like snowe missed the fact that each of those close/reopens were months apart, so it's clear the issue would ge re-opened, still not addressed after many many months, then closed to clean up the backlog, then re-opened because it actually still has value.
Snowe it seems interpreted this as two people fighting and not just normal stuff that happens on giant repos with many devs.
What he did wrong was comment about behaviors/edicit on a PR, which is not the appropriate place to have that convo.
PR comments are for talking about the PR, not for having meta convos about comments on PRs.
I don't even participate in this repo, but I can say that snowe was off topic here.
However the owner's reaction of a whopping seven day ban and "learn your lesson" comment was also abrasive and unreasonable.
Both sides fucked up here, get ya'lls shit together and apologize to each other yo.
Dude, who in their right mind would add scheduling infra to a client like that? 😆 I'm going to need these Lemmy devs to have a tad bit more experience before they start being so dismissive, especially to someone who's just trying to help.
Idk I think y'all are a bit too dramatic lol. Imho you're reading too much into a small aggression. This has nothing to do with the future of Lemmy or anything as grandiose as that
This has nothing to do with the future of Lemmy or anything as grandiose as that
I didn't say it did. I mentioned that it would affect me, the person who runs the server you're commenting on. That's it.
I was referring to other commenters, mb should've been clearer about it
nothing to do with the future of Lemmy
Let's not go that far. That said, it's certainly not everything to do with it either. Let's call it an indicator and keep an eye on it.
Lemmy needs a fork, if only to kick the devs into gear with regards to actually working with/listening to the community. At this point a significant number of users have been lost because the devs have been largely unable to capitalize on previous waves on growth due to slow development. It's one thing if it's just a couple of devs working on the project and trying their best, it's an entirely different thing when a couple of devs are shutting out large numbers of contributors (frequently subject matter experts which they desperately need at this point) over relatively trivial issues. This isn't the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. Mbin is reviving Kbin as a project and we need something similar for Lemmy.
Are you actually /banned/ front participating on GitHub? That seems really petty.
Everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes people are also in a very bad mood and act weirdly because of that. Let's not make a big drama out of it.
Just an all round juvenile behaviour from the devs. Would expect a project like this to be more properly managed.
This is ridiculously petty from the devs, and does make me seriously wonder about Lemmy's future.
Idk if they care about a particular thing FOOS devs are often petty. I don't think it's actually a threat to the project. Like read unix mailing lists from Linus or whoever else, it can get downright toxic. e.g.:
"BULLSHIT. Have you looked at the patches you are talking about? You should have - several of them bear your name. [...] As it is, the patches are COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE. [...] WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON? " here
I think Linus gets away with a lot because the value Linux delivers is pretty out of this world.
Being rude to people trying to contribute in good faith seems like a way to send them to a competitor and if one exists, that doesn’t bode well for the project.
Sorry, which account is yours?
They are the account whose comment is collapsed as off-topic
Hmm, where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, on PCSX2.
Your time and talent is better spent elsewhere. Don't even think about this any longer.
You wanted to help and they acted in this way. You made yourself clear, so it’s on them to reevaluate.
Your time isn’t free, so don’t spend it on stupid people. I know you’re passionate and want to help, but sometimes it unfortunately comes down to this.