El Hopaness Romtic. It's Spanish for "The Hopaness Romtic"
Don't Dead - Open Inside
Images of text-designs, that are barely readable due to the placement of the words or letters
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I saw it coming and you still got me
The tattoo artist should feel shame for ever agreeing to do that,
At the very least it's a hand tattoo so it may eventually fade
Starring Jack Black
Did you explain that they were the lords chips?
Trying to picture how you could hold your hand so it reads right.
edit: maybe cupped together towards someone? like "please give me your love"???
You curl your fingers a little to line up the pads of your fingers.
So this picture was probably just to show off the tattoo artist's work, and not how it was intended to look day to day. That's a relief.
Phew xd
El ess hopantic rom
I’ll have that with extra nachos, please and thank you
Rom Tic