How about: No arms deals with any entity that indiscriminately murders innocent people, women, and children?
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Nice no more police funding
Just yesterday Biden pulled $334M out of his arse for more police funding!
Shit no deals with Boeing, Northrup Grumman, etc.
Oh well, I'm certain they won't bribe Congress to force their deals through..... /s
What? Think about the BlackRock's and Vanguard's!
So practically every major power in the world?
I'm still not seeing why Israel is being treated as a priority over or at least equal to Ukraine. Ukraine is up against a legitimately strong adversary using human wave tactics. Israel is dropping bombs seemingly indiscriminately on mostly civilians. Ukraine is fighting for its existence. Israel is getting revenge on its much, much weaker neighbor.
If Iran and its proxies enter the war, that might change the calculations, but that hasn't happened yet.
Israel is also rich as fuck with a strong military. They do not need financial support.
But politicians elsewhere need israeli support (to get voted they believe)
Agreed. Isreal doesn't need help putting the boot on helpless children.
It's a strategic foothold in the region for the US. And "Jeebus."
And the more support Israel gets to kill those civilians the more likely sympathetic regional neighbours would be inclined to join. And rightly so. It's genocide.
Republicans like Israel and don't (all) like Ukraine
Fuck Israel. We shouldn't be supporting them at all.
They would fold under even the littlest bit of BDS, but that's not going to happen because the US sees themselves in Israel.
Thus why nearly every state has made it illegal for any company that works with the government to be BDS-positive.
Well that's not suspicious at all.
I get why - congress is increasingly useless - but there's obvious accountability problems there.
This is taxation without representation
I can’t believe how many shitlibs there are in here, using this opportunity to guilt people with an actual conscience into voting for this piece of shit as if he has some sort of moral high ground.
What is the lesser evil when both the DNC and the GOP work directly for the exact same military industrial complex?
The real villain here is the system that makes any party outside of the two party system completely irrelevant: first-past-the-post.
We have two Republican parties. One of them just so happens to pretend better at being inclusive..but they secretly also wish that the poor could be burned to fuel their mega-yachts.
The one that isn't taking away trans rights, making abortion illegal, and saying the last election was stolen, seems like the lesser evil actually. I can agree that I think our parties would be slightly better if first past the post was changed to allow for multiple parties, but i think it's ridiculous to say both parties are currently the same. Edit: As I responded to thecrotch, I disagree with the assertion that the Dem party is evil. Flawed? sure, our 2 party system will only allow for flawed parties, but to say their evil is downright showing ignorance of US politics or disinformation given the examples that I gave.
Not to people overseas. There’s no difference between being indiscriminately murdered by a Republican or a Democrat to the people dying.
This is nonsense. MAGA is a fascist movement. Don't let both being neo-liberal blind you.
I don't like this trend! War movies in 10-20 years will be boring. No Rambos, no Schwarzeneggers, no Spielberg and Tom Hanks emotional patriotism! No funny casual racism, no casual homophobia, no casual misoginy... Did Mark Hamil play a terrorist in Star Trek after all? The End of an Era. We're gonna have to watch films about how a bribed White House politicant struggles to keep up with weapon manufacture demands while managing to convince his wife not to divorce him because she feels neglected since he's never at home... directed by Clint Eastwood.
That's boring. I'm out!