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I still find people that don't even know it exists. Also because they don't do every game you have to look to see if they are on that night. I would expect the Eagles @ Chiefs will have better ratings.
I always thought it sucked. It's too hard to watch the game. I'm tuning in for a football game so adding nonfootball nonsense makes the experience worse for me
Besides what others have said about guests (completely agree that they kill the vibe sometimes) i haven't even been able to watch it much as an ESPN+ watcher many times its only espn2.
Like, they were all in espn+ past years, no?
I blame Eli and ESPN… they upgraded the main broadcast, bringing people to that one
That’s because I’m not watching MNF or I would choose manning cast
My streams never have them so I actually forgot they existed
I wonder how they measure this because I watch but I work nights so I’m usually leaving at halftime
I’m gonna be honest, sometimes it just seems like dudes chatting during a game. Most of the time I’d prefer standard play-by-play announcing to that, simply because that means I don’t have to have my eyes glued to the screen the entire game.
I watch MNF religiously every week, and I’ve only ever watched the ManningCast 1 time, I think maybe their first ever one?
I’d just so much rather watch the game and listen to Troy/Joe. Nothing against the Mannings, I just don’t care to watch
Remove the bad guests and do it full screen from the offense getting set until the whistle. Yes they are funny and sometimes their physical movements contribute to that humor, but I own a 70” tv primarily to watch football on 70”, not 57” or whatever it ends up being after making room for that forehead.
The biggest problem with the show isn’t the guests, it’s that they’re trying to do pandemic era producing and have people from all over the country have a conversation about a live sporting event. If they were all in a studio together there would be a LOT more coherent conversations and reactions.
Also, take away Peyton’s animatronic tv table. I get what he’s saying but the layout is silly.
You mean Arnold Schwarzenegger feeding a donkey and not being interested in football while the Manning brothers trying to speak around him at all isn't attracting the viewers?
They aren't very good interviewers and most of their guests are terrible choices. Honestly I think they should avoid bringing on non athletes most of the time.
Seems like a unanimous consensus on what isn’t working. I really enjoy their perspective on football and the jokes between the brothers and the guests who were former players. I found myself getting more annoyed with the guest appearances, which is why I don’t watch it as much.
It’s not because the Mannings aren’t entertaining. It’s because so many of the prime time games are straight garbagio
Guests are to much. It be fun to have like Brady on occasion or one of there old Coaches, Dungy or Coughlin or have there dad on. Also it was fun at first but I only really watch them if the game isn’t exciting and I definitely don’t watch if my team is playing, its just easier to focus in the standard broadcast
Need ManningCast on Prime Time games and high competitive games, stop putting their greatness on the Jets’ games , shit is ass
I haven’t watched since the first one but if it’s still them talking over the game and cutting to their antics in the studio while the game plays in tiny view, then that’s why.
A million plus people is a comparable TV audience to most late night talk shows.
It's clearly the guests and their promotions that are the problem,
but $$$ talks and those promotions will keep coming as long as people want to keep plugging their shit.
Hurray for the world
to be honest i think they’re always streaming bad games. i feel like this year i’ve only watched them during giants and jets games. how are you supposed to commentate bad/boring football games. i think it’s why they always have dumb celebrities on the manningcast to try and keep it interesting
The best part of the show is when it’s just the Manning brothers talking football. I don’t mind a guest sprinkled in there but it has to be someone who enjoys the game. The whole reason I watch it over the regular broadcast was for their in-depth football knowledge sprinkled in with some humour.
Last weeks show was just horrible with Arnold. It took you out of the game entirely.
Stop doing guests. Just Manning + Manning breaking down the game. Don't force an interview in where it isn't needed
It’s kind of boring tbh
It's such an odd format. No idea why people enjoy it. Anytime I try it out I don't last long before switching to the actual broadcast. I think Eli and Peyton would work well in a 3 man booth and hope they eventually do because this is just a waste of their on air talent amd chemistry.
i don't care for the guests. but when it's just peyton and eli it's a good time
I actually forgot they do this. Haven’t watched this yr.
The manning cast is great tbh. But I just can’t find myself sticking to it cause I just wanna watch the game. It’s sad tho cause they’re actually doing a great job. It just can’t compete with my desire to watch full screen with announcers calling the plays normally.
I have no idea how anyone watches this shit
I also think the poor prime time games are a factor as well.
I mean the slate of Monday night games are hardly worth watching, then in the series premiere the NFL tears the Wiley veterans Achilles, everyone knows you hold that till sweeps
My biggest issue with the Manningcast is the production value. Soo much dead air.
I honestly never liked it. I don't know why I would want to watch football while also watching a podcast of two hokey unfunny brothers. Sometimes they drop good football knowledge but only in between a bunch of horrible cheesy sanitized jokes with guests I don't care about. I would much rather them just be a normal commentary duo and have their attention fully on the game. Plus, that way, I could listen to them while having the game take up more than 75% of the screen.
It’s also the tape delay shit where everyone talks over each other that makes it unwatchable for me
I liked it in theory, but when they were just constantly talking over each other in zoom calls it turned me away. I don’t even know if they still do the show like that.
I want to hear them talk about the football game not the guests dumb stories. They’ve lost the whole point of the show which is to hear their insight into the game. It’s just a talk show with football in the background now.
Like someone else fuck Peyton Manning.
It’s been said a lot already but the guests suck. It’d be my preferred method of watching the game if it was just Payton and Eli talking about the game, or at least other players, coaches, people who know football.
Watched the last show , totally boring guys saying stupid shit that they think is funny .
Everyone's in here trashing the guests, rightfully so, but tbh i dont really see the appeal of just the two of them on their own either. They both have football knowledge but they mostly just talk over each other and then go "ohhhhhh!" Whenever something exciting happens. You can get the same experience at a sports bar.
Whenever it’s a guest not talking about football it makes me turn off the manningcast for a while. I’m watching a football game, keep it football related.
I still like the Manningcast, but the best parts of the broadcast are when they don't have a guest or have an actual current/former player that care about the game going on.
Simple as this... the guests are not plugging in with professional staging, vids, and mics (like you expect honestly). It's like done over FaceTime or something with horrible audio, delay, and flickering. Don't run interviews on shit tech. That's the first issue... the production is horrid and nonexistent for the guest speakers. Don't book or bring on another guest until this is sorted and TV crews can actually set the guest interviews up appropriately (which to me means they should only schedule 1 guest per game. Have them come on in the 2nd quarter to close out halftime and then it should just be the Mannings commentating for the 2nd half).
They need to trim back the amount of guests. They need to infinitely increase the production value of the guests themselves. And lastly they need to get, and only get, football affiliated speakers. I'm not trying to watch the Bravo Network nor do I care about movie stars talking about their home team. I don't care.
They need to lean into their strengths, and stop trying to be something they arent. They have good chemistry as brothers and are funny. And they know the game in and out. That's ALL this show needs to be. Everything else is extra, and actually detracts from the core mission of the show (which is give the audience access to Peytons football IQ while Eli provides color commentary). That's it.
Because it’s terrible. They need a moderator.
Arnold with a Donkey that no one adequately addresses is the best thing I have ever seen on television. Get out of here with this hit piece Yahoo, don't mess with greatness.
I gave the ManningCast a try once. Was immediately turned off by them covering part of the screen with their faces. I don't need to see their faces, just audio with the game.
I tried putting it on once but it just felt like they were talking over the game instead of about it. Maybe I would be more interested if it wasn’t a team I was interested in watching
It was a cool idea, but it got boring FAST, IMO