
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Simple as this... the guests are not plugging in with professional staging, vids, and mics (like you expect honestly). It's like done over FaceTime or something with horrible audio, delay, and flickering. Don't run interviews on shit tech. That's the first issue... the production is horrid and nonexistent for the guest speakers. Don't book or bring on another guest until this is sorted and TV crews can actually set the guest interviews up appropriately (which to me means they should only schedule 1 guest per game. Have them come on in the 2nd quarter to close out halftime and then it should just be the Mannings commentating for the 2nd half).

They need to trim back the amount of guests. They need to infinitely increase the production value of the guests themselves. And lastly they need to get, and only get, football affiliated speakers. I'm not trying to watch the Bravo Network nor do I care about movie stars talking about their home team. I don't care.

They need to lean into their strengths, and stop trying to be something they arent. They have good chemistry as brothers and are funny. And they know the game in and out. That's ALL this show needs to be. Everything else is extra, and actually detracts from the core mission of the show (which is give the audience access to Peytons football IQ while Eli provides color commentary). That's it.