Battery life is all day for me but varies according to usage. I've always thought it was more than reasonable on the 7 Pro, however 5G does suck the battery down quite a bit, and it does drain a bit faster than you think it should on high screen brightness.
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I get all day usage, mostly playing podcasts to Bluetooth headphones for multiple hours, with a bit of light gaming (mostly a few idle clicker games). I might get a second day without charging but that'd be pushing my luck.
My Pixel 7 battery lasts all day. (From 8am to 11pm typically )
I usually spend a solid 6 hours a day on the phone with a Bluetooth headset, and I also listen to mp3s that are stored on my phone for a couple of hours. I text, email, use Lemmy and the web regularly, play on, but I never stream videos or do video calls.
Around 11pm, the battery is below 20%. If I spend more time on the phone than usual, then I have to recharge around 7 or 8pm to make sure I still have enough power through the evening. Audio calling with an app like Skype, WhatsApp, WeChat, or Zoom uses more battery than with a regular phone call.
On an off day, with no more than 2 or 3 hours on the phone, my battery is still at 45% at 11pm, sometimes even almost 60. I feel I could skip charging it overnight if I had 2 off days in a row.
Recently I upgraded to a pixel 8, and the battery life is the same, even though I have twice as much memory, and I turned on most of the bells and whistles to test them out.
My 6-month old pixel 7 is now used by an elderly person who just texts occasionally, makes short calls and checks the newsfeed/weather. The battery now lasts at least 2 days, probably more.
I started the day with 100% battery at 7 am and it's 4:20 pm right now and I have 55% battery. Light usage but I've been listening to music (streaming) via Bluetooth all day too. It's like this most days. Pixel 7.
All day. Pixel 7 Pro.
Hammered towards the end of the day but I don't have to charge. I always charge on a low wattage which seems to keep the battery going
Personally I'd not upgrade from 6 to 7 but that's me. 6 was a bad year. I held off even though my OnePlus 6t was really dying - broken connectors etc.
See if you can make it to the 9 mock up start coming out and the prices will tank. Google seems to be chasing the best seller prize and prices crash early.
Don't buy an 'a' again.
Thanks, I'm happy with the hardware and would keep it, but given I already gave it a battery and it's still the same, it's just gotta go. I try to always go new, but a gen behind. It's like buying a model year car, make believe value, by year 2 you're paying (around) what it's actually worth.
I hear you. My phone is about the only thing I buy new-new, just because of the battery and it has to work without hiccups.
I hang around the YouTube reviews until the notable ones say the battery is ok. They were saying the P6 battery sucked fairly early on.
I'm not a gamer but the battery life on the Pixel 7 Pro is great. I have quite a few apps set on "unrestricted" rather than "optimised" with "app battery usage"; like a birthday app from F-Droid which is supposed to notify of birthdays in advance - so I can buy cards and post them over seas. Didn't seem to make any difference in the battery life that I could see - I don't monitor the Screen on Time.
Good luck. I'm sorry you had to buy another battery and it didn't solve your problems.
I have 7 and my battery life is great. I use GPS nav a lot when I'm driving, listening to Podcasts or News with Bluetooth in my car, and moderate usage the rest of the day. I usually have around 30-40% when I get home in the evening depending on how much driving I did that day.
I don't like to keep it on the charger overnight so I will usually wake up and plug it in while I get ready for work and charge on the way to work. Sometimes that'll get me up to 100% but often I will start my day at 80-90%.
7a here and the battery is the worst out of any phone I've ever had. Like, I've seen it go from 100% to 66% in 3-4 hours when it's not even in-use. I've actively told people not to buy this phone because of it. Which is ridiculous, as it's a decent phone. I had a 5 before this and was getting days out of it still (after 2.5-3 years)
I think you should check whether you have any nasty apps running in the background, because losing 34% in 4 hours while not in use is definitely not normal. You should also upgrade to Android 14 if you haven't done so already as it optimizes battery usage.
I can get at least a whole day with my 7a with reasonable use (emails, Lemmy with Voyager, web browsing with Firefox, 4G internet). I also played Wipeout Pure on PPSSPP (PSP emulator) for 30 minutes and consumed only 2% of battery. Even right now I have 62% charge left and it's estimated that based on current usage it should still last for 17 hours.
Also, using Firefox (+ the uBlock extension) instead of Chrome should make a difference since uBlock blocks many ads and trackers from loading when you're browsing and that should save some battery.
Yep, I check the background apps fairly regularly ('cause I'm paranoid about this battery). I'm on 14 already, strangely, I did notice a difference for the first couple of days - but back to draining quickly after that. I use Firefox as my default browser too (with ublock, yes) - I don't browse on my phone a lot.
I took my phone off charge (100%) at 17:30 last night, used WhatsApp to text some friends off and on (like, 10-20 messages total) for the next 3-4 hours and it was at 50% by 22:00, I was not using my phone, I was watching TV. It went into DnD at 22:00, and then when I got up at 07:00 it was at 25%.
So that's 75% with very light usage, with DnD for ~9 hours, in just over 12 hours.
Battery usage is very subjective, so what one might consider "light usage" might not be for someone else, but most of the comments in this thread seem to suggest that your battery experience is really the outlier here. It might be worth it to ask to send it back to Google to get a replacement (or have them replace the battery) as chances are there's definitely something wrong with your battery.
Mine's a year old or so and the battery life is definitely all day. Can't really stretch it to two days unless I were to plan ahead and use battery saver mode and stuff.
Generally light usage though -- rarely use YouTube on the phone, or anything else with videos because I don't have much data. Reels and stuff on wifi, but that's not for extended watching like YT would be. No Spotify either.