No, the very idea of a dictator is that there is no party. It is pure self interest.
What I want to know is how she kept managing to get them (repeatedly) in the lift.
Bros got a long way to go to catch up with local peeps. They got way way more fathers than two.
There's a change detection add-on for Firefox I use for websites which don't have RSS feeds. Might work on that other thing.
SiteDelta Watch.
Buy two domains at least. One for the actual email and one for redirection email addresses with something like .
In the UK, open personal details can be resisted from whois listings under data protection, but you can use a mailbox or office address to make that a redirect.
I use a control domain to control all my other customer domains and I separate DNS, domain hosting, email, and websites so no-one has too much control. That was a painful lesson to learn.
Picking domain names is hard. Whatever you pick it will sound silly or it's already been taken. Just make it easy to spell and short to reduce the pain of spelling it out, and these days LLM tools can help choose.
This is premium quality fecal master in your water; thanks Thames Water and Anglian water. Premium is reassuringly expensive.
Syncthing is fast. I have an IPv6 setup too which seems to help.
I have my downloads directory on my desktop linked to a downloads directory on my Android; you can't link to the real Android downloads directory anymore so I use another.
When the file is removed from the desktop downloads directory it disappears from mobile.
I tried using Bluetooth between them but it's more fiddly than Syncthing with my config. Switch Bluetooth on on desktop, connect to desktop, send file, disconnect, move file. Whereas Syncthing is always on.
However, before I started using Obsidian notes I used to transfer URLs using Signal's Note-to-self thing. Signal on both desktop and mobile.
Obviously, I sync between mobile and desktop Obsidian using Syncthing.
Good call.
Maybe the Americans can find some aluminum on another planet. There's none on earth.
I'm kinda done with the flavour of pigs-at-the-trough leadership democracy that the UK is now. Anarchy for the win.
Well said.
Left leaning values never implement freedom of speech. I have never understood that. The older I get - and I'm old - the more liberal I get.
I can't actually become liberal because liberal excludes debate.