TLD has a real community split problem. :/
The Long Dark
(swiped from reddit's /r/thelongdark for now)
The Long Dark is a first-person survival video game developed and published by Hinterland Studio. The player assumes the role of a plane crash survivor who must survive the frigid Canadian wilderness after a global disaster disables all electronics. Welcome to our community!
Banner alt-text: Stone Church in Desolation Point, during an aurora. The moon hovers large, low in the sky. A fire crackles under the ruined wall of the church. The displayed health bar is distressingly low.
Other TLD Communities
Based on what we know so far of the travois (saplings to make, the video looks like maple saplings, can't climb ropes with it) it'll probably be best to have one at each regional base. I wonder if you'll be able to carry them in your inventory and place them, like sleeping bags, snares, and whatnot. They may not allow you to pick them up once placed. If so, that could make them more useful.
I wonder if a moosehide bag will be required as part of the recipe! That would make total sense.
I can see my main use case for them being hauling quartered animals or raw meat from a kill site to base.