How else will my house become an exclusive commodity that nobody can afford if everybody gets one?!
Fucking communism.
Community for the city of Vancouver, BC
How else will my house become an exclusive commodity that nobody can afford if everybody gets one?!
Fucking communism.
Right? People should learn to be more rich... smh
I am shocked! Who could've seen that coming?
I am interested to hear how the ABC will explain this decision?
their answers mostly hovered around it being “divisive.” if you’re wondering what the fuck that means in the context of more housing for people, I’m right there with you.
they also said the provincial regulations will take care of this. That’s literally not true because of Shaugnessy’s exclusive zoning status.
in short, they don’t have a coherent argument against Boyle’s motion outside of pettiness.
Just read the press release on their website.The main reason they said is because it would waste city staff time and resources... So basically as u said, no reason.
it would waste city staff time and resources
Meanwhile they do exactly that with the speed cameras motion. "Let's study this for two years more, even though it has been continuously studied for the past decades".
Ah, if we assume their formula to calculate usefulness of initiatives is "resources spent"/ " return". No wonder they will do the speed camera. When return is 0 the usefulness becomes infinite. I have been humbled.
In a statement, ABC Vancouver councillor Rebecca Bligh said the motion would have "wasted precious staff time" and called the motion redundant, given motions recently passed by the city and province to add more housing.
Don't worry, they've already solved the housing crisis!
wow thank godness for their restraint, god forbid we have too much housing in this city and it becomes too cheap to live here. BULLET DODGED!
Eat the landlord class