Well yes, that is how propaganda works. But I regret the kind of childish take of rejecting the same thing at each other : "you are brainwashed by propaganda !" "No it's you !" "No it's you !" "No you more than me !"...
I am a "communist", but I did not become one by the power of my huge brain and rationality, facts and logic. I met communists that explained to me their point of view. I had access to communist content, that could clearly be seen as propaganda by "brainwashed 'muricans". People around me explained me what fascism is and why we have to fight it. In short, I lived in an environment that allowed me to build a communist ideology.
And by that I do not me I was in a homogeneous communist community. Far from it. I was born and raised in a very anticommunist family. And I have been convinced by than to at some point !
The point I'm trying to make is that we are all product of the environment we live in. We can build around it by adhesion or in opposition. We can move and develop complex personal takes. But pointing at at someone and laughing at them for being stupid victim of propaganda does not distinguish them from anyone else, including us communists.
Thinking that individuals are independent, self-made, build independently by the power of their own will at should be laughed at for being influenced is a liberal and pretty masculinist take, I think. So let us take a step back, be better than them and not simply use their rethoric just to say "No, you are the brainwashed one".
I do not think communism is better because capitalists are brainwashed. I think it is better because if was explained to me by someone nice and that was not judging me for being very much pro-capitalism. He did not considered I was stupid, but we tried to understand each other. He convinced me after years. Ridiculing the others makes you feel good, but is counterproductive is you goal is to help them. I will laugh at capitalists monarch all day because I do not consider them to be victims. I do not want to help them. I want to fight them. But I do not want to fight proletarians that grew up thinking communism is bad. I want to understand them, and them to understand me.
Sorry for the long post, but I feel really bad seeing this kind of post where people that should fight capitalism together just laugh at each other for being brainwashed.