Frank came 6,171st out of more than 24,000 women in total. If all participants of the mass event are taken into account, Frank finished 21,617 out of 48,694
A solid middle of the pack performance.
Frank came 6,171st out of more than 24,000 women in total. If all participants of the mass event are taken into account, Frank finished 21,617 out of 48,694
A solid middle of the pack performance.
I fucking hate that transphobia has made her feel like she can't compete until she passes.
Yeah, it's fucked. In total fairness, though, she'll still be guilty of existing while trans. Passing isn't really enough to douse the hate.
She can't compete with women. You were missing an important word there. The problem here is that her results are not even that competitive, and it leaves this unfairness feeling. We need solid criteria for allowing transgender women to participate on women support. I'm sure it is ok to allow some of them, but definitely not all of them. Compare it to certain phisique enhancing drugs. They are banned at sports. Now, imagine someone who used such drugs the whole life competing against people who did not. It makes sense to ban them as well. But we have half of population like that, so instead of banning we have divisions.
Trans women should be allowed to participate. The thing is that her results are reflective of most trans women, they perform on par with cisgender feminine athletes. This entire "trans women in sports" debate is just transphobia masquerading as fairness. It essentially boils down to "trans women can only participate if they lose".
I'd be fine with banning trans participants from professional-level compensation if we also banned anyone who ever took a PED ever. It's the same argument. If trans people get lifetime bans, then so should PED users. Of course the second will never happen, so...
Can we turn the magnifying glass to trans women who do seem to have an unfair advantage? Something resembling the use of performance enhancing drugs? I'll wait until you find one.
We need solid criteria for allowing transgender women to participate on women sport.
On the list of important issues we need solved, say in the next 10-20 years, this one is so far down the list it doesn't even need to be discussed at all. Certainly not on national and international media.
Let referees and sports organisations deal with it and start discussing, I don't know, how to avert the climate apocalypse.
The Olympics have this solved. Trans women have been allowed to compete for the last 20 years as long as they've been on HRT for at least 2 years and have hormone levels in the expected range. The results plainly show there's no advantage, and possibly even a disadvantage. The only trans person to win a medal was an AFAB nonbinary soccer player who wasn't taking hormones, and the only trans woman to compete in an event came in dead last. No other trans athletes made it past qualifiers.
If it’s some "culture war" bs, just assume the opposite of what Fox News (or any reactionary outlet) claims
Christ, they have a stick so far up their asses that they have an issue with Levar Burton. Fox News doesn't deserve to exist
They had issues with Mr. Rogers... fox news claimed he was evil...
He's black.
If Trump said the same thing that would spin it as being the best thing anyone's said ever.
People who see color are the real racists.
It's more racist to ignore the inequities inherent to the systems created with racism in their core principles.
You can't just ignore the problem by pretending race doesn't exist. That won't fix anything.
This is an ignorant comment, unless I'm just misunderstanding.
Would you like to explain it?
Poe's law.
Ah, I usually expect an element of humour when someone is being sarcastic or parodying something.
Well the absurdity of "seeing color makes you racist" made me chuckle anyways
They never did.
Their viewers want to be outraged, not informed. That sums up basically most issues with Fox news.
Let's not sugar coat it, everyone wants to be outraged. Fox news simply focuses on a particular genre of conservative outrage, which may or may not be more deceitful in general, but certainly promotes very specific and nonspecific hateful beliefs.
HOLD UP. ARE you telling ME that FOX NEWS purposefully manipulates headlines and news bits to suit a specific socio-political agenda and has been for decades?
Shoe is the best!
Isn't it interesting that conservatives couldn't give two shits about women's sports unless a transgender woman is competing? They sure didn't care about women's sports when they were cheering the US Women's Soccer Team's World Cup defeat.
Apparently transgender women competing against cis women in sports makes the sports they don't like unfair.
Also, I never hear anything from them about transgender men competing in sports. Curious.
[I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can't see this comment anymore]
What's the point of this post? Outside of slightly worsening everyone's day, that is?
Faux "news"
And I thought Brazil's news reliability was bad...