
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The reality is that there are many other wars around the world, yet the Russians are the only ones getting sanctioned. They should set an example by sanctioning everyone that currently works for a company that enables any military. Maybe then the world will see how stupid this whole thing is.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 months ago (4 children)

No, you gotta build everything from the big bang onwards.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Yeah? Try it with building wheel for wxPython apps for 10 arches.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Either is fine... more or less...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Even if that is the case, that doesn't mean that their code or the code they approve is garbage. I don't care who you are or who you work for. What you do in your life outside of open source is your own business. Quality of code is what matters in open source.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

They do have troll factories there to influence public opinion.

In the Linux kernel? No. Definitely not. Maybe you'd like to see what happened after they got removed from the maintainers list, it was spam and trolling, and that is not OK in any scenario.

The problem is this still leads to questions about transparency about the project in general and how this decision was made and whether it was made by those involved in the project or was an order from the US government.

My personal belief is that it was an advice by the lawyers and they went with it balls in because who would care about a few Russian maintainers, right 😒. Linus probably probably put GHK to it, as to not be him that does the PR, split the heat that may come their way, which it did.

I coldheartedly believe that Linus meant what he said since there was no apology afterwards. Russians are bad in general and they all think the same, they support Puttin.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (3 children)

They have been stripped of a role because of a thing that has nothing to do with their competence to contribute to the project. Quality of code is all that matters in open source, not who you are or who you work for.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Sums up my feelings perfectly.

Mine as well.

Not that invested that much, but I seriously, I thought Linus was better than this... I wouldn't expect this even from Stalman to be honest, this is new level of low if you ask me.

What kind of a hellish timeline is this?

I have no idea... if everything is dictated by corps and governments (at least ones that we can't trust with simple things, such as healthcare), I really have really lost all faith in humanity as a whole... not because they're less human individually, but because no one sees anything wrong with this, in general...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

Sorry, but the US is almost certainly the main culprit here. They're loosing power in every aspect and they want to reinstate that power in every way possible. As any human being, letting go of a position of power is hard. They just can't accept the fact that someone could be better than them in capitalism then them, which the Chinese proved they can.

It served them well when they were 1st, but it's no good when someone else does it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Let's say that this company pays the best $$$ and that you really need money for... whatever... now, let's reverse the roles and this person is working for a company that has contracts with the US military during the time of the invasion of Iraq.

See my point... there would have been nothing wrong with that, but all of sudden, it's a problem if Russians do it 🤨...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Political as in freedom to contribute, not political as in "we're banning devs because they work for someone we don't like".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Not everywhere. I seriously doubt Cuba has sanctions against anyone.


I mean, I could understand if they used natural gas as fuel for vehicles (which I know they don't), but they only use it in households. It makes no sense 🤷.


In case anyone needs it...


Thought I'd ask here first, then report if it's a bug. Haven't used Nmap on Void before. I installed the latest version available in the repos (7.94). Still, no matter what combo of switches I use, it never shows hostnames. I even tried -R (reverse DNS lookup), it still doesn't report the hostnames. On the other hand, Advanced IP Scanner (Windows) resolves hostnames just fine. Avahi daemon is running, though that shouldn't make a difference as far as I know. Samba is also installed and smbd and nmbd are running just fine.


Long story short, I learned there is an XMMS release of a plugin I use in Winamp for music playback (mp3PRO). Sadly, I recoded most of my music to mp3PRO back in the day, and now I'm stuck using Winamp, even on Linux. I like the player, wouldn't change it, but I wanted to switch to something native, like Audacious or Qmms. But, this codec is abandonware and it only has a plugin released for XMMS back in 2005 (closed source, of course).

Is there any way I can make this plugin work in any modern player? It's 32-bit only, but that's not a problem, I can just use the 32-bit versions of Audacious or Qmms (Void still has 32-bit builds of them in repo)... maybe like a wrapper or something... I would debug and do whatever it needs, I just need some pointers where to start looking and what to do exactly if I'm gonna have a shot at making this work.

I tried loading the plugin in Audacious, it throws and error while loading, something xmms_config related (can't remember, I'm currently not at the PC I was testing this on), Qmms just says that it can't load the plugin. I presume GTK+ would be required and I'd bundle whatever libraries it needs with the plugin, just don't know where to start really... ldd would be a good start I guess, but I didn't run that 😂.


Got me thinking, cuz I've done my own solutions (not the popular ones, like OMV and the likes) and they work just fine, I really have no trouble managing them through the terminal, but I thought about other people (maybe people that like more managing things though a web UI) and I was like "is there something like this 🤔?".

The other reason I'm asking is because I also freelance as IT solution/support and sometimes I do custom solutions for clients, like a NAS, and I would like to ease things a little user side. Sure, that will cut down on my fees, but I like client satisfaction and I think they will appreciate it ☺️.

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