The apply button is at the bottom of each settings page. It's not deliberately hidden, but it is easy to miss. Just closing the settings page will revert all changes.
It works for me. One thing to note is that your have to press the hidden apply button after changing any settings for then to take effect. I've forgotten it many times.
Tools like GParted should be able to safely reduce the size of the partition so you can add a second. (Always backup data in case)
Not all ideas are good, but a good idea can come from anywhere.
If you're looking to research more on this, look for "body doubling". It's the only way I get anything important done.
You don't need to have an opinion on everything.
Before the internet, people generally didn't have enough information to form an opinion on most things, so the default answer was "I don't know".
Nowadays people are bombarded with so much information that you have people forming strong opinions on a topic and sometimes even making that opinion their entire identity while barely understanding any of it. I'd much rather have a few strong opinions on a few topics I care about, and leave everyone else to worry about the rest.
Perhaps favourite colors is a little different to deciding on vaccines or climate change, but the sentiment is the same. "I don't know" is a perfectly valid answer, and more people need to get comfortable with it.
Have you ever seen a professional marathon runner reach the finish line first and then start jumping with joy? You may see some celebration, but mostly exhaustion.
It's the same with mental effort. If you've been working yourself to exhaustion, it's really hard to feel anything positive. A short rest just isn't enough to fix chronic exhaustion.
I was always told I was lazy when growing up. It took more than 10 years for me to realise that I was never lazy. I was hitting my limit, then working myself to exhaustion just trying to keep up with everyone else. I've had to learn to slow down and accept that there are some things I can't do (without consequences). Even now I find myself occasionally making the wrong decision because of past trauma and overworking myself before I realise and have to stop myself.
Even if this advice doesn't work for you, there is still hope. My heart goes out to you in this tough time.
You are a valid person. What you do does not define your worth. You are enough.
I wanted to install an extra hard drive in my computer, but the power supply didn't have enough connectors. I actually had a spare power supply unit, but upon testing, the 24 pin cable was too short to reach the motherboard.
I ended up using both PSUs. Only one had a power switch on it, so that was connected to the hard drives. I had to use a paperclip in the unused 24 pin connector to make it output power. The 2 PSUs had a wire running between the ground pins of a random unused connector, and they were on the same phase circuit.
The hard drive PSU had to be turned on first at the switch. Once that was on, I could press the power button to turn on the computer. I think I used it for about a year before buying enough upgrade parts to effectively replace the entire computer.
I still see this every few months.
I think it's happening if a key is released at the same time as a window opens or changes to full screen, but it's too rare to properly troubleshoot. The fix is still the same.
I've had a bug with the android app where sometimes notifications for emails just don't happen. I've received a new email notification, opened the app, and found that the notification was for an email received 5 hours ago, and I didn't get any notification for the email 3 days ago or the email 1 hour ago.
Despite this issue and several other minor issues, I still recommend Tuta. Mostly because I can't find anything better.