joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Organising to do what exactly? A majority of the US population wants this nightmare. The Trump administration is expected to destroy norms and institutions to bring about their bigot's utopia, they ran on that promise.

It's really that dire. It's beyond the reach of the checks and balances that have kept things somewhat on-track up until just after 9/11. Checks and balances are precisely what the voters want to delete from the courts.

If Trump wants a 3rd term, he will get it, and his voters will not be moved by marches or sit-ins or AOC exquisitely calling out the scum and villainy from the floor of the senate. Either talk Luigification, or let the people post their fucking memes in peace.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

If you're in debt and it's affecting your mental health and making you contemplate ending it all, don't worry, there is a way to get your life back again. The following info is about the UK and N. Ireland, but it is highly likely similar info is available wherever you happen to be:

StepsChange is a charity that acts as a middleman between you and your debtors. The charity will negotiate reasonable and specially-tailored monthly payments for your debtors, which - depending on your income and savings and all that - will not cripple you every month. You can pay off what you owe and still have money left to life your fuckin' life. Yes it's a charity, but they don't give you free money, you pay your own debts, but you just do it in a way that isn't ruining you.

I've seen this work with multiple family members, so I can 100% vouch for StepsChange and the dream-like positive change it made in their lives. It takes what amounted to many hundreds of pounds a month and reduces it to like 30. It's insane how much they can help you. Please contact them if you're in financial trouble.

Similar charities must exist elsewhere, so look into it if you're not from these parts. There is always hope.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

so waht? a litle plastik never would harmed my mindal health??

but why do i have overwelming urge to aslep in recycling bin??

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Ahh I didn't think of permissions differing depending on where the program came from, but it makes sense that that would be the case. That explains the issue I was having!

Pretty awesome that you can switch desktop environments, but GNOME does look to be the better choice for me. Cheers!

Thank you for the help, it's been... helpful! (need a thesaurus haha)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Thank you so much, your explanations were very helpful, and I will definitely be working through that Upskill Challenge!



Thank you for your time!

  1. Are desktop environments changeable once the OS is installed? Can I switch between Cinnamon and KDE Plasma, for example? Or should I decide on one before I settle for a distro?
  2. Coming from Windows, I'm used to my hard drives just being "there", no matter what program I'm using. I need to explicitly set permission levels in order to restrict access, but by default I can access anything anytime. The last time I tried Linux, I couldn't get the program I was using to "see" my hard drives in order to open a file, despite the drives being accessible in the OS file manager. How does this stuff differ between Windows and Linux? What basics should I know about hard drives, e.g. what the hell is "mounting"?
  3. What are the crucial differences between the different package managers (e.g. Flathub, Snap, etc.) and why should I choose one over another? And like with the desktop environment question, can I switch app stores at will, or do I need to commit to one before I begin? I've read a lot of very angry and passionate comments in passing related to the various package managers, but none of it was accessible/comprehensible to a n00b like me.
  4. Can you recommend a resource - be it a CoolGuide image, video series, a PDF, a website, whatever - that will explain in simple terms the Linux way of doing Windows stuff? (Like with my hard drives question, for example.) "If on Windows you do X, on Linux you'll have to do Y" kinda thing, but for everything, no matter how basic.

Thanks for reading 👍

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (5 children)

raised anger and criticism in several Muslim nations

I don't think there are many non-Muslims who were onboard with this stupid shit either, to be fair. Besides the spittle-flecked gammon who were already bigots to begin with, of course.

The only Quran burning I'd support would be if Elon Musk did it as part of his whole white identitarian shtick. I'd send ISIS the airfare myself.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

I'm ONE fat dude, you insensitive prick.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Do your smaller-than-average feet have any appreciable effect on your mobility? If not, I have to wonder why we need these clown-ass feet at all. Waste of meat and leather.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 2 weeks ago (21 children)

I know OP is joking (at least I hope he is), but it reminded me of this thread about Soulslikes:


Time-wasting respawns/progress loss seems like a very blunt tool with which to motivate the player to keep playing. It's some 1988 arcade coin-op shit that we really ought to leave in the past.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

Nope, not discussing shit with Nazis. I just know of people even where I'm from (N. Ireland) who are mentally unwell and will walk around yelling crazy shit that, coming from anyone else, would result in instantaneous violence. But they're known to be crazy, so they get a pass. Not just Nazis, but imagine if someone is wandering through an IRA stronghold yelling "fuck the pope!". I don't assume that person to be playing with a full deck, and anyone who beats him up would be looked down upon. If I see 4 dudes doing the same thing together, then it's different. There's much less chance of it being crazy Jim off his meds again in that case. Sometimes the crazy person just says the worst shit they can think of, and Nazism is like the express route to the top of Mount Cunt, so it's easy even for a nut to rattle off some heinously-offensive diatribe in that vein.

All I'm saying - and I'm not suggesting everyone do this, just explaining where I'm coming from - is that I wanna know before I punch someone if they're genuinely evil or if they have a pre-existing head injury that coincided with their psychotic interest in WWII. I'm not saying we don't punch Nazis, just that we should be careful to target genuine Nazis and not unmedicated schizophrenics. And I don't know anything about the guy in the gif in the OP, maybe he was with a large contingent of scum and he has a political science degree, in which case he got what he deserved. But if he was alone, and was riding the subway to get into town wearing a Nazi armband, and trying to get people to react to him, I'm 50/50 on whether or not he's the real McCoy looking to martyr his chin for the cause or if he's someone the mental health services have failed.

TL;DR: Punch Nazis, but separate the Nazis from the Nazi cosplaying schizophrenics.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

A lone dude like this wandering around antagonising people would presumably have some sort of psychiatric problems, so I wouldn't immediately KO him in the street, and would need to ask him a few questions first in order to gauge how tethered he is to reality. But if I see a clump of neo-Natals together, then we can skip right to the violence.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

We can expect these people to carry out violent assaults now, with the understanding that their violence is tolerated by the fucking president of the country. This is going to get horrific.


In computational terms, a low resolution version of an image is almost by definition 'simpler', with fewer colours and details intact, but it seems like it would be much harder to do a convincing 1:1 replication of it in a painting compared to recreating a 'clean' HD version.

Or am I way off the mark? 😆 I'm not a painter, obviously. Seems like getting all of those weird JPEG artefacts right would be something of a novel skill for a traditional painter (or even a digital painter, for that matter).


I hear nothing but bad things when the topic of Unreal Engine 5 is brought up. It's also true that the games I've played which use this engine have suffered from poor performance to one degree or another, so it seems like the complaints are well-founded, but I don't actually know.

Is it a bad engine, or is it just not being used correctly by either the devs when they design their games or the players when they choose their graphical settings? Or a bit of both? What's actually wrong with it, in layman's terms?



I know not all praying religions have their adherents join their hands, but I think it's the case for most. Many cultures even use clasped hands in day-to-day life as a sign of deference or pleading (which I guess makes them "social prayers").

My only 'armchair anthropologist' theory is that hands that are gripped together are unable to present a threat to you, so it is a signal of voluntary vulnerability. But that doesn't make sense in a religious context (although it does in the social context), because how would you ever be a threat to any god in the first place? 🤔 If anything, you're displaying arrogance by saying to god "yeah I COULD fuck you up, but just for this conversation, I'm gonna decommission my arms, arms which I have to register as deadly weapons by the way".

A secondary question on this topic is what is the function of praying hands in the praying process? If you say a prayer without joining your hands, does it not reach god? Or does he hear it but he's like "uhhh, excuse me?? Forgetting something? No childhood leukaemia cure for you, I guess!" like an overly-pedantic lawyer?

Third question: Do any holy books actually describe or prescribe 'praying hands'? If so, what do they have to say about it?

Cheers! 🙏


If you talk to most of my fellow micks, they'll whinge and moan about Yanks 'pretending' to be Irish. They'll take offence to it, like Irishness is little more than a fashion accessory to foreigners. They'll say that such Yanks are annoying and will scold them online for saying "I'm Irish" when they're several generations deep into being American.

Fuck all that noise. If someone wants to be associated with my wee island (and it is mine), I get a warm feeling in my chest like an internal hug. I don't care if the person has never had a single ancestor so much as set foot on Ireland, if they nevertheless wanna be Irish I'm thrilled to hear it. It makes me less self-conscious about my shite accent, it makes me feel like I could have friends in other countries before I even meet them. It's like a cheat code whereby I'm granted, up front and gratis, 30% of the required 'social ingratiation' mileage you usually need to put in before you start getting somewhere with a new friendship. There is literally no downside to it that I can see, and certainly no downside that has ever presented itself to me. The only way I could feel negatively about it is if I already have a casual hatred of Americans, which I don't.

If you don't believe that the cunty "ur not irish m8" attitude is borne of hatred for Americans, show me the reams of similarly-scolded Australians claiming Irishness. Show me the Iraqi with an Irish grandfather being told to shut the fuck up for claiming Irishness. Show me the hoards of Englishmen, even, being told the same. I have only ever seen or heard it directed at Americans.

The Australia example is much more powerful because it's one of the two places Irish people tend to go when they leave the British Isles, the other being the USA. We have been going to Oz in droves - voluntarily or not - for about as long as the USA has existed, so we claim a huge portion of the populace. The USA is still a brand-new country, in the grand scheme of history, so there're legit reasons for people to still feel like their families' previous countries are the more defining ones for their identity. There's nothing wrong with that. Unless you're American, apparently.

In closing, let me talk directly to my fellow spud-botherers: please shut the fuck up. I assure you, between the scolding Irishman and the Irish-loving Yank who never shuts up about it, you are the annoying cunt in this scenario. You make Irish people sound like völkisch wankers obsessed with the purity of their genes and the ethnic make-up of their country. Spend less time gatekeeping national identity and more time on avoiding heart disease, ya greasy hoors.


'Choose' rhymes with 'lose'? I mean c'mon, someone did that shit on purpose 👀


Not sure if he has the power to do that, or if he could do it but not make it permanent. But if he can, he really should...

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