now that you mention Putin i always think:
no we have plenty of Idiotic Thoughts ourselves, we dont need foreign interference(obv the Russians helped a a bit/a lot) for that. xD
now that you mention Putin i always think:
no we have plenty of Idiotic Thoughts ourselves, we dont need foreign interference(obv the Russians helped a a bit/a lot) for that. xD
i guess its a bit similar when Garry Kasparov talks about Putins Russia.
I dont agree, because that is to general for me. My local Corporations have excellent working conditions. Of coirse there are some bad.
i talked with an extended family member who doesnt speak english as L1 and said "brain drain".
he mockingly said it after me. lol so from now on i will lessen my usage of american words. (not brain drain but the new ones they invent over there...)
the US-americans are in our Heads, banish them
a bit overstated but still true. i read too much english anyway.
ah thx. i think most big corporations are alright. well, speaking about the european corporations atleast.
just something interesting. the same post is on r/BuyFromEU. there it actual has 90 upvotes, here 12.
i thought the lemmy forum would be much smaller! very cool. you guys did a great job promoting lemmy. keep it up!
🇵🇱🇪🇺💪🏻 for lolz,how many times more upvotes has the reddit post:
what is a corpo? i honestly dont know.
lol flirting or being admired is the best feeling ever. nothing material can exceed this ever.
Im already doing that since a week. I know, i k ow im beyond cool😎
I was bitter and felt a bit betrayed that you left us, but thats History now. I would be happy if we can get the Gang back together. Britons are good People and you built a great Nation.
Lets go!🇬🇧🇪🇺🇵🇱
Without the EU my Land South Tyrol would now be called by its invented Italian Name - Alto Adige...
I never really thought much about the EU. Over the last few Days i finally understood how good we have it and its not even a week.