
joined 2 years ago
[–] AceTKen 8 points 5 months ago

The issue (they’re banning people left and right) Concerns (e.g. they might be gaming the system), This thread (to show that it isn’t just your personal pet peeve, plenty people are pissed.)

Done! I appreciate the pointers as I would have never known about this on my own.

[–] AceTKen 7 points 5 months ago (15 children)

The last time I spoke about veganism whatsoever was over 7 months ago.

Not to mention that it was specifically in a debate thread dedicated to discussing veganism, nor was I overly negative.

Was this intended to be a strawman of some kind?

[–] AceTKen 21 points 5 months ago (3 children)

That was kind of what I was attempting to do here. Is there another way to do that?

[–] AceTKen 9 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Nope. I haven't spoken to or about vegans or veganism for months since my Community had a discussion thread many months ago on it.

[–] AceTKen 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

But even then, I'm a user. I just posted it here because it's their instance.

[–] AceTKen 16 points 5 months ago (3 children)

But I'm very much not a troll, nor was there any interaction?

[–] AceTKen 9 points 5 months ago (3 children)

But there was no interaction with them at all?

[–] AceTKen 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

I'm kinda dumbfounded. I've only posted (or commented) once in the past nine days. The one that happened to be at a similar time was this comedy one on a completely different Community on a different instance for a goofy anime question. Did... did I really just get banned from talking to vegans for... not liking anime?

This might be peak stupid internet if so.

[–] AceTKen 21 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I generally don't talk about it, but because you asked, I have seen a lot of anime and hate most of it. I have seen Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate, about 9/10 of the OG run of Fullmetal Alchemist, a lot of Ranma 1/2, Serial Experiments Lain, Akira, some Death Note, La Blue Girl, some tennis one I can't remember the name of, Castlevania, a few Studio Ghibli movies, Attack on Titan S1 & 2, random episodes of Samurai Pizza Cats, all of One Punch Man, Interspecies Reviewers, Slayers, some DiC Sailor Moon, some early Pokemon, and a few Dragonball, YuGiOh, Digimon, and Naruto episodes.

I don't count early GI Joe or Transformers even though they're technically anime, but I didn't like those either.

Of those, I liked Interspecies Reviewers, about 1.5 seasons of OPM, 1 season of Castlevania, and Hellsing Abridged (because it's fucking hilarious).

Here's a random top 10 of reasons:

  1. Anime has a horrible habit of having a great premise, a lot of repeated setup, and then zero payoff followed by a new season escalating with the same. In short, great at premise, poor at developing it into a story. And endings? They have no idea how to end a series except for fighting bigger bad guys...
  2. And that's IF they can even be arsed to finish a series. I'm aware of the timeframe dynamic between manga and anime. It fucked over Game of Thrones too. Maybe we just agree not to start a show before the source material is done?
  3. Much of the animation looks abysmal and the "serious" ones seem to have an awful habit of just... panning over a background or frozen characters in a scene for fucking ever to fill time. I made note of this during Serial Experiments Lain to my friend who was making me watch it and it basically ruined the show for him. It completely wrecked the pacing and was done CONSTANTLY. There were 45 second pans (which I would start audibly counting after 10 seconds) while the main character just monologued "I'm 12 and this is deep" bullshit that was nearly completely disconnected from the plot. There was no reason to do this. Even recent shows like Castlevania did this.
  4. Shit just happens that doesn't make any sense in context of the world they've set up. This is endemic from anime I've seen. Anime fans think that randomness is "creative" instead of just "throwing shit at a screen because the writer had a fever dream and it doesn't matter at all if it makes any fucking sense". Spirited Away is basically just this. No, randomness is not creativity, Katy the Penguin of Doom.
  5. They're just a different set of tropes than American cartoons, many of which I find to be nonsensical, twee, or cringe-inducing. Bloody nose when you get a boner trope, I'm looking at you.
  6. I fucking hate Japanese voice acting (and often for the most part the Americans who dub it, especially in kids shows). This started when Sailor Moon came over and I wanted to kill everyone in the immediate vicinity whenever most of the characters spoke. That shrill panic screaming that was in SM and Pokemon was awful.
  7. In the same vein, I also can't stand constant "reaction sounds". Someone saying something mildly surprising that you should have easily realized 10 episodes ago isn't an excuse to stare blankly and make an "AH", "OH", or "UH" noise (sometimes followed by a small choking sound) roughly four hundred times per episode. Humans don't do this.
  8. They make movies that just do random shit and don't have anything to do with the show (if not outright contradict the show). Dragonball is especially notorious for this.
  9. A really weird number of them throw in Nazis seemingly at random, appropriate time and setting be damned. Need a bad guy? Fucking Nazis!
  10. I am constantly inundated with friends that like anime telling me that I should watch whatever their new anime obsession is despite it conforming to 3/4 of bad things on this list because obviously I just haven't watched the right anime.
[–] AceTKen 1 points 6 months ago
  1. As someone who runs an IT firm, I'm in agreement that all of those country-based firewall policies are bad EXCEPT in the case of actual defence of the internet (things like DDOS attacks, active hack attempts, etc.). Some of the businesses we manage have users that travel abroad, so I feel China is raised more as a concern because it's the most... overreaching in what they block and is in the top 3 for executing the most cyberattacks worldwide (along with Russia and, since the war, Ukraine). In the case of the Chinese great firewall, not only is the content blocked, but it's one of the the only places where you can also be flagged as a user for trying to access some pretty common data which has some ramifications I really don't care for. It's similar to rules in place for North Korea, but they have more talented SysAdmins and better equipment in China by a long shot, so getting around things is harder.
  2. I'd agree that SOME of the people are responsible for their elected officials in democracies - namely the ones who voted for that leader. I'd also agree that people are responsible for not having better options by allowing two-party systems to continue (though I'm not sure how to get rid of those parties at this stage). In that same vein, I'd also hold the people responsible in dictatorships as they haven't overthrown the government that claims to speak for them. In some cases, leaders can not roll back policy implementation from a past leader due to the way the political system functions or due to treaties as I said. In the US, they kinda ARE Israel's bitch because Israel is theirs. It's the only safe US foothold in the area and keeps Iran in check and allows for a base of operations. An overwhelming majority of the weapons being shipped to Israel aren't even in use against Palestine; they had all they needed to do the horrible shit they're doing at the outset. The weapons are being used for other purposes, be those future conflicts, or to have a cache of weapons should the US need them for future issues. Is it a bad look? Sure. Is the US still going to try to exert control? Also sure. That's how geopolitics works at present. We don't have to like it, but everyone does it to some extent. It's not good, but again, I don't know how to remove it, and there are certainly worse systems.
  3. I totally agree that it may be heavy-handed. It also only applies to US government-funded agencies. At present, these new samples seem to be a carrot to help relax the restrictions, and it may work as researchers are quite unhappy with Wolf since the US isn't funding missions like they once did. Who knows if they'll relax restrictions, but ODS data shared with other countries is freely accessible to China through those other countries, so it hasn't been much of an issue beyond the initial grandstanding. For example, if the US shares ODS data with Canada, and Canada gives data to China, the data shared is the same. China simply can't make requests for non-shared data (again, like ballistic schematics) or be a full partner in US projects without FBI approval. How much does that matter? I legitimately don't know. Samples have never been affected by Wolf, however, and have been shared freely upon request to my knowledge.
[–] AceTKen 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

But they are portrayed differently and there are entire threads about how "modern audiences" don't like the American Pie way.

The three things you mentioned there in The Boys were not for titillation, they were played for humor or shock as was the (overwhelmingly) male nudity. And the actions are mostly done by the bad guys. A butt shot of a Starlight body double in the most recent season isn't comparable and is a stinger to someone being raped. Sex and sexuality is portrayed poorly and as kinda gross throughout.

American Pie had a scene for titillation and the actions were carried out by the protagonists. Sex and sexuality is portrayed as fun, nothing to be ashamed of, and a normal part of life.

The OP is correct. It was never about not being able to reference creepy sex practices by bad people. That was never off the table.

Things are different now, and I would argue in a very unhealthy way.

[–] AceTKen 1 points 6 months ago

All good! Very glad to have you back.

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