
joined 9 months ago
[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The current model has its own issues. The amount of series that are cancelled after the first or second season is ludicrous. Also, and I'm not sure if it's related to streaming or the constant writer's strikes, but series have reduced from 16-26 episodes per season from the height of the piracy-era to 6-10 nowadays.

If the reduction in piracy led to this deterioration in quality, then I can't imagine it could get any worse if everyone started pirating again.

Personally, I reckon it will incentivise the numbskulls in charge that no one is going to pay for 48 separate streaming services and they'll be forced to adapt (likely via packaging/merging streaming services together).

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I promise you that koala is not being pensive, it's probably just constipated; koalas aren't really known for their intellect.

Though being constipated is unfortunate because that means its babies are probably going to starve (koalas feed their shit to their young).

[–] 42 points 1 month ago (4 children)

They're really doing everything in their power to destroy their own business model, aren't they?

[–] 18 points 1 month ago

Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

No idea why Australia is orange

The map is pretty misleading tbh. For Australia, it looks like it's using data from 20 years ago and takes into account the entire population from that period.

For perspective, in 2023 only 2.48% of male children were circumcised.

Personally, the only people I'm aware of who are circumcised were circumcised in a different country before migrating to Australia.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

I'd say there are probably as many genuine use-cases for AI as there are people in denial that AI has genuine use-cases.

Top of my head:

  • Text editing. Write something (e.g. e-mails, websites, novels, even code) and have an LLM rewrite it to suit a specific tone and identify errors.
  • Creative art. You claim generative AI art is soulless and poor quality, to me, that indicates a lack of familiarity with what generative AI is capable of. There are tools to create entire songs from scratch, replace the voice of one artist with another, remove unwanted background noise from songs, improve the quality of old songs, separate/add vocal tracks to music, turn 2d models into 3d models, create images from text, convert simple images into complex images, fill in missing details from images, upscale and colourise images, separate foregrounds from backgrounds.
  • Note taking and summarisation (e.g. summarising meeting minutes or summarising a conversation or events that occur).
  • Video games. Imagine the replay value of a video game if every time you play there are different quests, maps, NPCs, unexpected twists, and different puzzles? The technology isn't developed enough for this at the moment, but I think this is something we will see in the coming years. Some games (Skyrim and Fallout 4 come to mind) have a mod that gives each NPC AI generated dialogue that takes into account the NPC's personality and history.
  • Real time assistance for a variety of tasks. Consider a call centre environment as one example, a model can be optimised to evaluate calls based on language and empathy and correctness of information. A model could be set up with a call centre's knowledge base that listens to the call and locates information based on a caller's enquiry and tells an agent where the information is located (or even suggests what to say, though this is currently prone to hallucination).
[–] 46 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

"Quick! Hurry! Scrum! 5 minute stand up team! We need to sort this crisis out NOW!"

"Joe! The building is on fire! Move! RUN!"

"No! We need to have a meeting first! SCRUM! STAND UP! AGILE! SILICON VALLEY!!!1!!!1!! When is the next sprint!?"

Looking for a passionate, motivated team member to be part of a newly refreshed team created to replace an unsuccessful team (RIP) promoting our incredibly competitive product!

  • You must have at least 40 years experience working with Windows 11.
  • GENEROUS remuneration package!*
  • You need to be able to work 26 hours a day 9 days per week.
  • You will need to bring PASSION! ENTHUSIASM! EXCITEMENT! [synonym not found]!, and GRIT!

*as we are a small start up, we can't afford to pay wages, but when we are successful, we promise to write your name somewhere on an archived version of our website.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Magic. That is the only way they can enforce this drivel.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Absolute stupidity and a waste of taxpayers' money spending so much time on this nonsense.

These incompetent morons are pretty much guaranteeing that they will lose the next election. In the middle of a housing and inflation crisis this is what these fuckheads decided was important.

I loathe the opposition, but it's hard to defend the sheer incompetence the Labor Party has displayed their entire term.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Look, you tried...

...and were found guilty.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

My feedback: I wish it was -15 °C... To snuggle up under a bundle of blankets sounds divine. Instead, it's almost midnight where I am and it's still bloody 32 °C.

The UI looks nice, though I've effectively disabled the Overview and replaced it with the ArcMenu on my setup. I've also aligned my common/active applications to the left on my panel rather than centred (so that my pinned applications are always in the same position and don't budge over when I open another program). Rounded corners doesn't do it for me, I try to avoid anything that removes screen real-estate, no matter how minimal. I've also set the bottom panel to auto hide so that it's only visible when I move my cursor at the bottom of the screen. Overall, your setup's pretty nice, though I don't think I like the bright colours for the buttons in the top right of your windows, they're a little distracting. Mine's set so the cross is a washed out red colour, the minimise button is a pale horizontal line, and I don't have a maximise button.

I'm going to install that Weather or Not extension. Thanks.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/


Does anyone know why is there a red cross on the icon here?

This device is a Corsair USB flash drive. I initially thought it may be because the data was corrupted as there were a couple of years where it remained unconnected and I know SSD does not like that. But I formatted the drive (ExFAT) and it still shows up with a red cross in Nemo file manager.

Any idea what this actually means?

Thanks for any insight.

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