this person is a literal infant child and service workers are their mommy
can't believe this rich old white guy is a reactionary scumbag
I doubt there was ever a time when he wasn't transphobic though. The fact is, almost everyone on the planet over the age of 30 was transphobic by default and had to learn not to be (and most still haven't).
Like I was born in the 90s and didn't really know about the existence of trans people until my teens and there were almost no out trans people until I was in my 20s. If you were weren't transphobic you were an absolute outlier and 99% of the population would think you're insane for not being a bigot. And I live in a liberal state.
didn't realize this was JP at first. honestly a vast improvement over his usual vibe, he does indeed look like a chill hippie artist here
drug abuse is bad of course, but with any luck it means he won't have as much energy to be a transphobic asshole creep
this is all clearly laid out in the 2009 Nicolas Cage film KNOW1NG
I've always had mine on "subscribed" because I don't wanna see gaming or anime posts etc. Unfortunately this means I don't always see the megathread though.
I guess you can also subscribe to comms from other instances if you want now but I haven't had a reason to do that yet.
remember folks, if you need to get hydrated, drink water in small amounts at a time, spread out throughout the day
I see so many people make the mistake of not drinking water all day and then suddenly remembering they need to hydrate and downing a big glass of water and thinking they'll be good, but that's not how hydration works.
she's such a stupid asshole it's unreal
I hope she keeps giving interviews. she's been really useful in exposing the idiocy of the techno-utopian ideology
checked this site out of morbid curiosity and it's a bunch of cringe-ass deus vult shit. they sell knights templar flags and a real life version of the tradwife meme dress. lmao
Vocaloid is software for synthesizing vocals for music. it's a pre-AI thing so the results are robotic and uncanny but it works best for Japanese vocals. it's what they use to give a voice to the virtual pop-star Hatsune Miku
but the only reason anyone bought her NFTs is because she's famous... from making music. all this illustrates is that NFTs, like anything crypto related, is just yet another scheme to make the rich even richer.
but ignorant kids will see articles like this and think, if I want to be a successful artist I should make NFTs, it worked for Grimes! but of course they will only lose money because they're not famous and nobody cares about them. and that's what the crypto ghouls need to sustain their scam, fresh victims to swindle.