Glad to hear it hasn’t been bought by some rich asshole who plans to demolish it to build some crass McMansion.
Not quite, but they have a town that is entirely in one big building.
The Magyar Maidan
You know how a lot of DIY gadgets have slogans like “trans rights are human rights” on the circuit boards? I wonder if the Modretro has some fascist slogan similarly inscribed. Perhaps “Deus Vult” or some particularly authoritarian Bible verse number, or maybe just a couple of plausibly deniable 14s and 88s.
He’s been fash for a long time
How’s his British accent? A Bond who is not canonically an Englishman would be like Superman not being American.
Slava Ukraini!
Back in the 90s, all goths were nominally bi. Perhaps things have escalated since then?
Which is good news if you want to buy their biscuits in Russia
Ace Frehley, surely. Nice Jewish boy who was in one of those beat combos
I’m sure they’ll just reform under a new name and keep doing what they’ve always done
Distributing a lactose-based food as charity to low-income neighbourhoods, when people of colour, who are most overrepresented amongst the poor, are also most likely to be lactose intolerant, has a certain energy.