For reference I have large hands and throught the original huge Xbox "Duke" Controller was comfortable.
Un popular opinion when I had to support those damn things I actually hated the keyboards, always felt the keys where too small
Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records and then received an unconditional discharge of his sentence.
Trump would just pardon him.. Nothing you can do now.
In my home lab I have them separate the OPNSense box has full performance on its own HW, only needs to be patched once in a while and is super stable.
I have managed to crash / lockup one of my proxmox hosts at least once while messing around with HW past though or by giving a guest enough cores to slow the whole box down.
Family never gets interrupted playing games or streaming Netflix with my lab separate from the critical internet service.
New versions of OPNsense installed with ZFS support snapshots before upgrading natively sort of taking one of the promox vm tricks out of the pro list making it neutral.
Nearly all brands have produced unreliable and a reliable series of hard drives.
Really have to look at them based on series / tech.
None of the big spinning rust brands really can be labeled as unreliable across the board
OpenOMF is an Open Source remake of "One Must Fall 2097" by Diversions Entertainment.
For those that had no idea what this abbreviation stood for.
console = network, game = content.. is my argument.
IE Nintendo was happy to sell more units with Sega content, and sega moving to software / content had no choice but to sell on other platorms.
I’m not sure if Nintendo would get a percent of a 3rd party devs profits.
Nintendo makes money on EVERY cart sold and every electronic purchase.. it is a major part of their EXPENSIVE model and why Nintendo platform games always seem more expensive. It is also why they still sell cart based systems so they are the ONLY supplier of the media, but now they have their own eStore as well.
Nintendo allowed Sega’s Sonic Heroes to compete with Super Mario Sunshine on their own game conosle
99% sure that only happened after Sega stopped making competing consoles. IE more game content benefited their console platform
I was asked this at a café less than ten minutes ago now.
I guess this would be country/state dependent.
Have you heard of the Information superhighway?
"Will that be smoking or non smoking?" Asked as a restaurant
"I think you flooded it" in relation to a car not starting. (well unless you work on very old cars)
"I got it off Napster"
"want to listen to my mix tape?"
"I can burn you a CD of that"