
joined 2 years ago
[–] AlternateRoute 12 points 3 months ago

I don’t know why so many companies decide to use Windows these days when there’s Unix/Linux

None of our end users know how to use Unix/Linux.. MacOS or Chrome books would be more likely looking at the youngest in the work force.

Everything else you listed basically comes down to end user / power user preferences. 99% of our end users barely remember what to click on if it is not on their desktop.

Like, I don’t know why any serious company would use Windows with this in mind

Being able to mass configure, secure and monitor all devices with many different vendor tools remotely is nice. Have you ever tried to manage a fleet of Linux laptops in the field?

[–] AlternateRoute 6 points 3 months ago

now we have AI on the horizon promising to make things more efficient

sounds good

but we really know what it is actually going to be used for

Contradicts the first statement and the next statement

They want automate out everything. People packaging up goods for shipping, white collar jobs like analytics, business intelligence, customer service, chat support. Any sort of job that takes a low or moderate amount of effort or intellectual ability is threatened by AI.

OK you do know what they want to use it for.

But once AI takes all these jobs away and shrinks the amount of labor required, what are all these people going to do for work? It’s not like you can train someone who’s a business intelligence engineer easily to go do something else like HVAC, or be a nurse.

Highly untrainable people have always existed and are always the first to get replaced.

But it should be pretty obvious that you can’t run an entire society with no jobs.

Well not one based on capitalism.

The more we automate, the less people can do, so they don’t have jobs and no income, not able to survive…

Well the ones that can't do research and can't look up history maybe. AI is the new Robots, is the new assembly line is the new....

You are just using the age old technology fear narrative.

When Robots Take All of Our Jobs, Remember the Luddites (2017)

[–] AlternateRoute 24 points 3 months ago (19 children)

Since so many of these leave the details out.

The union wants a 24% pay increase over the next four years - higher than the 11.5% increase proposed by employer Canada Post.


The latest strike comes as the Crown corporation deals with big financial losses of C$3bn since 2016, primarily due to the fact that people are sending fewer letters than before.

In its 2023 annual report, the operator said its financial situation is “unsustainable", and had projected that it will run out of cash unless it borrows C$1bn and refinances its existing debt.

[–] AlternateRoute 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don't care if it is permanent daylight time or permanent standard time just stop flipping the clock twice a year.

[–] AlternateRoute 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

You do realize it is an osculating wave of longer and shorter.. The absolute statements people make and the difference the 1 hour makes to a typical person often only last 1 month tops.

Like in the winter O yes I have an hour of sunlight before work, two weeks later as the days continue to get shorter, it is dark at the start of day and dark at the end of the work day.

[–] AlternateRoute 27 points 3 months ago

Start studying, it is never too late to UNLEARN or LEARN. Step one is realizing YOU are now in control to improve things.

[–] AlternateRoute 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

A news release highlighted antisemitism. But LGBTQ2S+, Indigenous and South Asian people reported bigger increases.

[–] AlternateRoute 21 points 3 months ago (2 children)

If the call center handled sensitive info like banking info or credit cards etc the entire room would likely have compliance rules and zero tolerance.

[–] AlternateRoute 21 points 3 months ago

There are have also been some exploits that are possible ONLY while the machine is booted and already in that state unlocked state, rebooting relocks all the HW encryption and clears main memory.

[–] AlternateRoute 57 points 4 months ago (7 children)

Haven't plugged in a VGA cable in a long time. As someone else pointed out it depends if it is temporary or long term.. I always screw them in if it is long term

[–] AlternateRoute 3 points 4 months ago

I think the EU is somewhat FORCING it.. I don't see this as a willing change.

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