
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Da fuck is even this. You are telling me that if the guy had clenched his fists or had shorter fingers then he wouldnt be offside?

Parts of the body that are illegal to use shouldnt count. His hand cant be used to play so this 'finger' offside shouldnt be one.

Basically if you have a big nose of long feet you are more at risk of being offsides? This is beyond ridiculous

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

CR7 thumping minnows with his national side and playing in a league probably weaker than the English second division makes it really funny him being on that list.

Its like some professional boxer defeated Jake Paul, KSI and 3 more youtubers 5 times total and bragged about his 5-0 undefeated record.

Ramsdale needs to leave. Whatever he may have done he is still good enough to be a starter. We have seen Raya make some huge mistakes and he hasnt been benched for them.

The boss is the boss and he can play who he wishes. But if he thought Raya was his man why start Ramsdale a couple weeks then bench him all of the suddem? This is weird as a whole and peobably harsher than Ramsdale deserves.