It definitely is worth it. And if you live around the Laurentians, my boss is hiring!
You haven't enjoyed N'Sync until you've listened to them in their original Klingon
Toujours mieux qu'un beigne de 1992....
I get what you're saying, but you're missing the nuance entirely.
Oh... wow. well. right.
Well, I DO 70hrs weeks, in that I work 10hr shifts for 7 days. But then I'm off for 7 days. Today is day off 1. But yeah, I love that I work all alone and I basically make my own schedule; I have a few tasks to do but I do them when I want during my shift, and they take up about a 3rd of my shift, so the rest of the time I a) help dayshifters by doing some of their chores, and b) educate myself cinematically. cough
I used to work as a fraud analyst in a call center for a financial institution, salary was great and the benefits were quite generous. Management were dillholes and clients made me lose faith in humanity quite quickly and I wanted to cry every day before work so much I was burnt out from it. Now I work as nightwatchman for a vacation resort, make less money and not much in terms of benefits but I'm easy as Sunday morning and my partner enjoys being around me again. Plus, when you consider how much income tax more I was paying before, I'm not making THAT much less when all is said an done. I was always frugal in my lifestyle anyway, I don't drink or smoke, I don't play video games, I don't really go out, I learned to repair my own clothes rather than buy new ones and I don't like brand names, and I pay a mortgage rather than rent so I have money left after the 1st of the month. So I don't have an exciting and extravagant life, but I'm quite content.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
I use to inhale tobacco and ingest alcohol and eat at McDonalds. How much worse can those chemicals be.
When I was in college I discovered Woody Allen and I became a huge fan. I find it hard now to even want to watch his films. Yes, I know, he was never convicted of anything. But you gotta admit leaving his longtime girlfriend for her adpopted daughter which he helped raise (some would say "groom") is off-putting and makes it very hard to ignore all the allegations.
Yeah, because what Canadians are heartbroken about is to not to be allowed to visit a country where Canadians are randomly arrested, thrown in jail and treated like animals for months and months under pretext of suspected espionnage.
You had me a Joan Crawford and Lon Chaney! Thank you for this
Anyone ever watched the CBC mini series H2O ?
Canada has about 10% of our neighbour's population count, while flushed with natural resources they are running out of starting with clean water. If they go full far right, we become 51.