I'm making myself finish Fell Seal before I start it, but I picked up Triangle Strategy at what gg.deals says is the record low price. As an FFT fanboy, it looks great (and so is Fell Seal for that matter).
Aether sprites play in the ley lines and drag things along with them, got it.
No, but it looks like there's a demo I can try.
There are also two variations on the third law that I like. Not sure who coined them.
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
And for those who love crunchy magic systems:
Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.
You know how there's all those fuckin people who swear they were Napoleon or Cleopatra in a previous life? Something like that.
"I'll have you know that Mr Mittens was a favorite bed cat of Charlemagne!"
Yeah, I think so. There are 4k remasters of both on youtube.
Bride of Re-Animator (2nd one) is good, and still pretty coherent (for Re-Animator anyway). It's also got one of my favorite speeches from West. It's based off the chapters of the Lovecraft story the first one didn't cover. It kicks off with West and Cain from the first one trying to rebuild Meg from spare parts.
Beyond Re-Animator is, if I'm honest, a narrative mess with plot holes you could drive a truck through, but it's still pretty fun. It's not based on the Lovecraft story at all, they made up some stuff with West in a prison for the actual 13 years since the last one. A new prison doctor who's been following his work helps him make some new reagent and shit gets out of hand.
Beyond has some of my favorite undead in the series though. A junkie gets a vial and shoots up with it, while he's still alive. It goes... poorly.
After rewatching Justice League Unlimited last week and remembering he voiced The Question, I've been having myself a little Jeffrey Combs film fest.
Watched all 3 Re-Animators and The Frighteners. I'll probably keep it going with From Beyond and/or Castle Freak, neither of which I've seen yet.
Star Trek/Re-Animator. The ultimate Jeffrey Combs picture. A cryogenically frozen Herbert West is revived on DS9 and gets to doing what he does best - undead monstrosities. Parts of the station are sealed off and eventually the only ones who can stop him are Weyoun and Brunt.
Spider-Man: Almost Homeless
At least I'll get to meet Bigfoot before he kills me.
Kathy Bates is a national treasure and doesn't deserve that comparison.
Not a huge fan, but I do get Yorkshire Gold when I can find it, because it's Patrick Stewart's preferred tea IRL.