Starfield has a focus on running around with your legs (or wheels), while ED is more about flying around with your spaceship (or wheels).
If they won they wouldn't still be trying to exert power. It's not over until they stop.
You don't even need one, you can just use an axe, or a noose.
Give it a swirl, a sniff, and check the legs.
The best memes are buried in 6 layers of irony and meta-references.
Maybe in time consoles will be aged like fine wine or cheese.
You know those protests in Greece over the railway accident? Those aren't happening only in Athens. They're happening all over the country, hundreds of thousands of people are out protesting all over.
Now watch as the American people complain about it online rather than take action for themselves. No, they have to wait for somebody else to come save them.
And as a bonus getting hit with one will send you to a fantasy world
It's not about sales, 11 is a free upgrade.
Fuck that. Trump doesn't understand the concept of a win-win deal, he would try to get us to take the bad end of the deal.
The game is amazing. It's not the same game it was at launch, it's now up there with CDPR's best.