joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 13 hours ago

Make a negative post about the US and watch the same people complaining in this thread suddenly become super-"patriotic" and defend the way things are in the US at all cost. You need to redefine what it means to be patriotic IMO. As long as patriotism in the US is understood as reflexively defending what the American government has done at all times, there's nothing anyone outside of the US can do to help.

Patriotism should be looking after the interests of your fellow citizens, and that should routinely mean being opposed to the government, not rallying around it as soon as it's criticized by an "outsider". It's bizarre watching so many people from oppressed minorities being gung-ho flag wavers while the government is planning to put them in internment camps.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Comparing whatever it is they think Trump will do to trans people, to the near complete annihilation of a nation while killing 100 plus thousand people on live stream, is a wild thing to do. Bananas.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 weeks ago

I've been hearing for decades that the 2nd amendment is fundamental to the American identity, because it's supposed to be an insurance against this type of tyranny against the American people. There you have your mass movement, making claims on that insurance, using what's purported to be fundamental to the national identity of the country. What tyranny is the 2nd amendment protecting against if this doesn't make the cut?

It's really hard to disagree with Luigi when he wrote "evidently, I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty". Brutal honesty is what this state of affairs calls for. It's time to water Jefferson's proverbial tree of liberty.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Flying squid is probably the most pathetic human being I've ever encountered. They've hid behind having a supposed terminal illness for no reason when I criticised their modding practices, and claimed I was mocking their self proclaimed Jewish heritage when I wished them a merry Christmas. Just a sad sad human being.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 3 weeks ago

It's insane to me that even the "luxury" jail looks like a horrendous dungeon, and the implied solution in the article is that everyone should be in the even worse county jails. It's no wonder the US has the recidivism rate that it does. All of the cells for all prisoners need to be upgraded to something that looks like a living space if there's going to be any hope for the persons in them to be able to reintegrate into normal society when they're released. Being afraid of getting raped and murdered everyday while living in a gray concrete box doesn't exactly produce well adjusted individuals. I thought the punishment was supposed to be the incarceration itself, not the added daily violence in jails. It's so barbaric, people who manage to get out of these places and become productive members of society seem almost superhuman to me.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Probably could've expressed my thoughts better, but I believe your definition and my thoughts aren't necessarily opposed. I was clumsily trying to say that DEI as is doesn't really upset the hierarchies you mentioned, and is therefore not opposed to conservatism. Accepting the premise that in conservatism the rich are deserving of their riches because they are better, my point was that DEI actually works to solidify that class disparity because it's mostly designed to give the appearance of inclusivity in order to attract clientele from all segments of society, thus increasing the flow of income. If DEI means diversity at the bottom of the corporate structure while maintaining a homogenous owner class at the top, which is my argument, then it's just a tool to transfer money from the bottom to the top, while expanding the pool of money to take from the bottom through inclusivity. I think I fucked up the argument again, but hope it at least clarifies what I was trying to say a little bit.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Funny how .world mods enforced 'no calling for killing of innocent people' when everyone was cheering on CEOs getting dropped. But when 'edgy' pieces of shit like this ghoul say "innocent lives? Whatever, the benefits outweigh the costs regardless", it just stands. I guess the explanation that the servers are in Holland where it's illegal to say innocent people should be killed, just means illegal when innocent=CEO.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Spain didn't exactly just become a democracy after Franco's death in '75, things were very iffy well into the eighties, or at least until they joined NATO in '82. The military even attempted a coup in '81.

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