They've been shown to be super susceptible to scams even. I probably support as many young users in my company as I do older ones, but virtually no one in the age range of ~25-35.
Taking medium into account changes everything. A sculpture artist or painter doesn't have the same interest or concern about AI art yet, and may never. They also tend to not have the same comprehensive view of AI generation as well as training data.
That being said, digital photography doesn't remotely compare. If I were to set my DSLR up with a lens, set an F stop and shutter speed, the results would be similar to that of a film camera. A sensor takes in light in the same way film does. A 30 second exposure at a 500 ISO will compare to a 30 second camera on a certain film type, which is comparable to ISO settings.
Artificially bumping up light sensitivity on a DSLR degrades image quality. Analog and digital are largely comparable. So how would it apply to photography? It's not just automatically making a picture, and if it were doing that on auto, it's still not all that different from a film photo with generic catch all sensors and light metering.
Photography is all about catching the moment, personally I captured night landscapes via manual long exposure on a DSLR, but none of that is automatic.
And your opinion is that the best option is to turn tail and sit pretty for the cishets?
Don't tell me to wake the fuck up and diminish me, soapboxing about your murdered trans friends. I am trans, I'm close to people who have had to flee their states, fallen victim to (tw: a lot)>!employment discrimination, loss of medical care, reversion of changed ID gender markers, assault, rape, homelessness due to familial rejection.!<
So while I'm glad you can feel good about yourself wanting to sanitize pride parades and events. I assure you that is not the issue. It's satanic panic all over again, we're lucky it's not the AIDS crisis on top of it. Instead it's a bunch of puppets who lap up their anti trans propaganda. Go listen to some conservative "talking points" and you'll quickly realize there is no rationalizing with these people. There is no room for civil discussion.
Don't tell me to wake the fuck up, and to "smell the flowers" until you've written hundreds of letters to your state house of representatives. Only to be met with a paltry two responses, with only one being a truly heartfelt response.
There's one important thing to never forget: Armed queers bash back. Don't ever forget it. Stay safe out there.
Very nice! I am what we in the industry call a fraud :^)
JK, I'm just not well versed in development or high level things. I'm in the administration, implementation and advisory side of things these days. I was a field tech prior.
One day I'll get more into the weeds of it all. Nothing but respect for the devs that hold it all together
I'm out of the industry now, but I was saying the same. Win 10 Embedded and Win 7 IoT both served very, very well. But the always online component and other issues with 11 make it poorly suited for the use case it had in the past. Systems that relied on mapped drives are now nearly fully depreciated.
It's even people in tech. I work with someone who will gladly take tech claims at face value, and call me a conspiracy theorist on data collection. I said I didn't want a smart thermostat because it increases our attack surface and he immediately snapped back with "oh China is gonna get us". Like... No these things have had CVEs already and will again
Overlooking the whole child slave labor thing, yeah I suppose so