
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago

The article itself claims that 87% of news outlets are avoiding the phrase “ethnic cleansing”. There are those that are calling it for what it is.

If you want an example:

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I feel like you’re building the argument in a way that’s convenient for yourself there.

A non-hostile work environment doesn’t mean you won’t get reprimanded, especially when you go out of your way to sabotage somebody. Someone has to step in to stop the madness, and if all they do is to say stop (which I heard Linus did earlier), that’s not actually going to stop the conflict because nobody understands or acknowledges where the root of the conflict comes from.

And Linus is not even hostile here imo. There’s a lot of “you” language, but none of it was personal, and he’s not doing his old thing where he tells others to go end themselves. He seemed analytical and dissected the root of the issue so that people understand where things are actually coming from.

And no, I am by no means asking people to make that choice. I am simply suggesting that if all you do is surround yourselves with people who will never get mad at you for doing the wrong things, and that you will never accept anyone reprimanding you, then you’ve made a bad choice in life.

And yeah, “thin skinned” is subjective, and I’m not saying that it’s wrong to be thin-skinned. Some people have less capacity to take criticisms for various reasons, and that’s fine. If your colleagues don’t know how to mince their words (and let’s assume the intentions are good here), and you don’t have the right mental capacity to slice through those words yourself, then you can’t work effectively together. If the people you have to work closely with are all such clumsy people (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just unrefined), then there’s a problem, and it’s probably best that you don’t work with them or there at all, cause it’d only lead to chaos. If this is where you think I’m asking people to make the choice between livelihood and mental well-being, first off, I think this is an exaggeration because there’s almost always someplace else you can work at, and if you can’t, then there’s a bigger problem, and two, well, I think you’re idealizing the workplace a little too much. Sure, in an ideal world where people can immediately assume a professional and cordial personality at work, then you shouldn’t have to make the choice between livelihood and mental well-being. But people are imperfect. There are hostile work environments. There are non-hostile work environments with some hostile people. You can enforce policies that dictate how people should conduct themselves, but you can’t stop it from happening, and you can’t stop them fast enough.

So people do have to make that choice, even if they don’t want to, and even if we think it shouldn’t be a choice and that people should just have both.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Like I mentioned, just because you dislike something, doesn’t mean it’s actually unfavourable, or that other people shouldn’t see it, and that holds true a lot of the times, unless you’ve sort of geared yourself such that what you dislike is also something unfavourable. But even so, you can’t assume that other people would be or do the same.

And yeah, they’re functionally the same, but the intent is different. The point here is that votes have intentions behind it, and what we’re telling you is that it shouldn’t be a self-centric intent.

For your last question, I actually don’t really have a good answer for you. I’ve seen many people react in similarly clueless ways in order to rile others up. I’ve also seen too many who can’t look at things pass their own lenses, can’t properly put themselves in someone else’s shoes (despite claiming they do, but what actually happens is that they’ve set up a convenient strawman of the person and put themselves in that instead), and can’t think for the sake of others, and how this shows through how they use social platforms. So I guess I’m being wary.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

There’s likely no such thing. How you interpret upvotes and downvotes is up to you. But don’t you think that’s a more much more useful measure than “I like this” and “I don’t like this”?

  1. Nobody knows who upvoted or downvoted, at least if you don’t get to see the database or server logs. This means nobody would really know if you in particular liked some post or comment or not. IIRC Lemmy doesn’t even show you what your upvotes and downvotes are. This means you wouldn’t remember what you upvoted or downvoted.
  2. What we like or dislike has nothing to do with what is good for more people. We can dislike something, but it doesn’t mean that that something isn’t good for ourselves, or everyone else.
  3. Votes can sway where a post/comment appears depending on the sorting option.

Given all that info, you should know that votes matter not for yourself, but for others. Want something to be more visible up top in the Top sorted comments? Upvote. Up in Hot? Upvote. Want them down the list? Downvote.

So then the final question is, well how should I decide what do I want to be more visible and what do I want less? That’s really up to you and what you think your relationship with other people and your world is. You want chaos and like watching the world burn and have yourself caught in that too? Upvote crazy takes and downvote the sane voices of reason and care. Want to promote a healthier world where people have useful conversations that help each other in their lives? Upvote those good comments that do so.

Get your mind off the kind of Facebook voting treadmill where it’s your own visible voice and that everything is just about “me, me, and me” and focus on others for once.

Ofc, if you want to be a troll, have at it and do whatever you want. I’ve wasted my words on you, but I’ve at least left some words for other people.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Really? I feel the opposite. I thought Linus was very clear in calling out this maintainer’s bs, and I’d think it’s fair if I’m in the receiving end. I did something unprofessional: essentially tried sabotaging others while hiding behind a lie, that I “don’t care” about something while actually hating it.

Getting called out is not the end of a work relationship. We’re all flawed, and we might not notice our own problems and think we’re doing fine, and such callouts are good for our own development, both as a person and professionally.

But if you’re thin-skinned and think you’re better than others and so you won’t take criticisms from others, welp, can’t help ya there. I’d suggest therapy though.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Uneducated 2 cents. afaik the publishers have some kind of “part ownership”, where they can pull it out from the store whenever. The “anti-piracy” feature you get with DRMs is why many publishers actually like them tho. The part ownership thing is just icing on the cake. So no, a good chunk of publishers won’t be furious at all. DRM gives what publishers want and more, at the expense of the consumers in a way that most wouldn’t realize.

And if anything, I think it makes more sense to think that these publishers are also just granting Amazon some kind of “license” to sell their e-books.

Amazon would absolutely be destroying their relationship with a publisher though, if they decide to block the selling or access of a book to large group of people who are would-be buyers. But, at the end of the day, publishers want to know how much they’re making from putting their e-books on Amazon, and as long as that revenue is enough to satisfy their needs, they don’t need to care too much about the odd customer who had their book revoked, and they would generally be pretty shielded from any sort of disputes as long as Amazon is making those revoking calls.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago

This was pointed out in another comment but I will basically echo it to just give that call a boost: Point your instructor to well-regarded sources for introversion and extroversion, and let them know that the labelling in their note is not only inaccurate, it falsely attaches a wrongly defined word onto problematic behaviours that have nothing to do with what introversion and extroversion is, which is not good because it propagates a false narrative.

If your instructor doesn’t seem cooperative and insists on being correct, talk to other instructors that you trust, or even go to those with more authority to tell them about the issue. If you can’t get anyone to actually do something, I suggest you change schools immediately, and call the school out for what they did.

Maybe it’s just one of those days, but I have no tolerance for this sort of false narrative being spread, even if the original intention is innocuous, and especially in a school. Being forced to act in a certain way that deviates from one’s personality to not be perceived as a problematic person, especially over a badly-informed opinion, can have lasting negative consequences to children and adolescents. I’m tired of seeing introverted friends and family members suffer over the fact that they’re introverts, to the point where they will deny being an introvert and even echo these sorts of statements in order to blend in.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I wish there’s some kind of follow up to news like this.

Did the police report go anywhere? Or is it just sitting in some paper pile, or trashed? Follow it up, or call it out.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago

$60 can buy you a lifetime license for the Affinity Designer 2, which is a fantastic alternative to Adobe’s Illustrator, which some people can’t live without. AFAIK, Serif isn’t backed by a venture capitalist as well. So, are you still happy paying $20 more for a social media app?

Like, look, I get that we should support devs for what they do, especially if they don’t take venture capitalist money to sell their products for cheap to gain market share. But this seems really overpriced. What are you getting with an $80 app for social media?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

DoFo looks for what gets him votes and does the thing. I’ve, thus far, seen no other principles behind this man, maybe except for his obsession with Toronto. Of course he’ll play Captain Canada cause why would you not play that to get people to think they can rely on you? He targeted bike lanes because Ontario is car-centric and most people are forced to be motorists, who are generally inconvenienced by bike lanes in the short term, and it’ll get him the support he wants. He struck down education workers’ rights to strike, because families are inconvenienced, and there are a lot more families than there are education workers. 200 bucks rebate with no regards to the cost of actually sending out that money, just because it’ll most probably get him the support he wants.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

And lemme guess what we’ll hear in the next couple of weeks or months:

“I’ve made the best deals with Canada and Mexico. They’ve been rude and uncooperative in helping us secure the borders, but now look, they had to.”

And then there’d be the the suckers and ass-kissers:

“Fentanyl’s not a thing anymore in the USA because of Trump.” (says a person who lives in a neighbourhood never affected by fentanyl abuse)

“President Trump has made our country more secure than ever, preventing illegal immigrants and drugs coming in from Canada and Mexico, while making them pay for it.” (vixen news or something)

“Illegal immigration was at an all time low under President Trump.” (says a person who’s never looked at the stats)

Given what was actually realized, Trump did not have to play coy and use tariffs as threats, and it would’ve been a rather easy call to ask for what he wanted. He’s essentially sent US allies on a wild episode to essentially bully them to show off his regained powers.

Oh, and of course he only “pauses” the damn thing. He could re-use it after all. Classic bully behaviour.


This may make some people pull their hair out, but I’d love to hear some arguments. I’ve had the impression that people really don’t like bash, not from here, but just from people I’ve worked with.

There was a task at work where we wanted something that’ll run on a regular basis, and doesn’t do anything complex aside from reading from the database and sending the output to some web API. Pretty common these days.

I can’t think of a simpler scripting language to use than bash. Here are my reasons:

  • Reading from the environment is easy, and so is falling back to some value; just do ${VAR:-fallback}; no need to write another if-statement to check for nullity. Wanna check if a variable’s set to something expected? if [[ <test goes here> ]]; then <handle>; fi
  • Reading from arguments is also straightforward; instead of a import os; os.args[1] in Python, you just do $1.
  • Sending a file via HTTP as part of an application/x-www-form-urlencoded request is super easy with curl. In most programming languages, you’d have to manually open the file, read them into bytes, before putting it into your request for the http library that you need to import. curl already does all that.
  • Need to read from a curl response and it’s JSON? Reach for jq.
  • Instead of having to set up a connection object/instance to your database, give sqlite, psql, duckdb or whichever cli db client a connection string with your query and be on your way.
  • Shipping is… fairly easy? Especially if docker is common in your infrastructure. Pull Ubuntu or debian or alpine, install your dependencies through the package manager, and you’re good to go. If you stay within Linux and don’t have to deal with differences in bash and core utilities between different OSes (looking at you macOS), and assuming you tried to not to do anything too crazy and bring in necessary dependencies in the form of calling them, it should be fairly portable.

Sure, there can be security vulnerability concerns, but you’d still have to deal with the same problems with your Pythons your Rubies etc.

For most bash gotchas, shellcheck does a great job at warning you about them, and telling how to address those gotchas.

There are probably a bunch of other considerations but I can’t think of them off the top of my head, but I’ve addressed a bunch before.

So what’s the dealeo? What am I missing that may not actually be addressable?


Hi all,

I’ll preface this by saying that there are spoilers ahead. If you haven’t did the music event in v4.6, you have been warned.

I thought something was really off with the lyrics in the song written by Dvorak in the Itto event in v4.6. The lyrics alone don’t seem to make sense, but it somehow includes a lot of animals, and somehow they match up with the list of animals mentioned in the list of treatments by the Puppy Union, left behind by Heizou. And there’s also the fact that Miko mentioned that the lyrics talked about a war, even though on the surface, there is clearly no such mention, at least directly so.

Turns out I wasn’t the only one who noticed it, at least in the Japanese sphere, cause I couldn’t find any discussions about this in English. The link I shared is someone putting all the information together to infer the whole story behind the lyrics. I’ll be basing this post on that link, and give almost all credits to them for putting that information together. I’m just bringing this info to the English-speaking community (feel free to share this on say HoYoLab).

First off, let’s look at the list of animals helped by the Puppy Union.

...Pets admitted for care today... Weasel Thief No. 11: Dalang, 6 y/o. ...Pets admitted for care today... Weasel Thief No. 12: Chouji, 8 y/o. ...Pets admitted for care today... Unagi No. 8: Cocquerel, 35 y/o. ...Pets admitted for care today... General Crab No. 3: Koharu, 25 y/o. ...Pets admitted for care today... Bake-Danuki No. 5: Kusumi, 60 y/o. ..Pets admitted for care today... Unagi No. 9: Dvorak, 40 y/o.

This list should immediately tick something off in everyone’s head; Dvorak’s name is right there. Some of you might remember a Chouji in one of the World Quest chain in Inazuma, the boy who wanted to take some of that tainted marrow material for sale who’s stuck in Yashiori Island, who later decided to go find their mother. It should be clear that the Puppy Union wasn’t rescuing animals, but people. Dvorak probably noticed this; he was saved by the very “Union” after all. And the chances of that being true is quite high; Dvorak himself said that he was in Inazuma during the Civil War.

More importantly, there seems to be a pattern to how people are codenamed. It seems like

  • Weasel Theives are meant for “young people”
  • Unagi is either “foreigner”, “Fontainian”, or “middle-aged” people
  • Bake-danuki is for the “elderly”

General Crab is an odd one, but there is a Koharu right in the Yashiro Commission. Interestingly, in Japanese, the name noted in the list is simply Haru. If the goal is to hide the name sufficiently so that anyone who finds this list can’t trace it to the Yashiro Commission, then it makes sense. In any case, General Crab thus has several possibilities that aren’t necessarily close in meaning: young women, or someone related to the Bakufu.

Now, by near the end of the event, Kokomi made it clear that the Puppy Union was intentionally secretive, even if that’s not their goal. It should be safe to assume that the people that were helped were told not to mention that they were helped publicly, lest it becomes something that gets ahold of the Bakufu’s attention, which would unravel the cooperation between the Yashiro Commission and Sangonomiya.

Now for the lyrics.

Raven, took an arrow to the heart And the bake-danuki, shapeshifted into dark I, Weasel Thief, hereby bequeath all my Mora: Two hundred goes to my pa Three hundred to dear mama Poor little General Crab, Only a shell remains Unagi goodbye Now rest in peace, please don't cry 'Cause we'll get reborn as a beetle next time Onikabuto, raise your horns Here's to a world beyond the storm Of rosy skies

Let’s go through by sections. It should be noted that the nuances of the lyrics do differ quite a bit between languages, which I’ll cover below.

Raven, took an arrow to the heart

We haven’t seen a “raven” in the list, but it’s safe to assume that it’s a person. In the Japanese lyrics, instead of “the heart”, the raven took an arrow to their “wing”. It’s thus best to read this as “someone was wounded”.

And the bake-danuki, shapeshifted into dark

The English lyric here is really vague, but we know it has something to do with and old person. In the Japanese lyric, it goes “the bake-danuki who turned into a torch has already disappeared”. This can either mean that the old person was seen out cold, or dead.

I, Weasel Thief, hereby bequeath all my Mora: Two hundred goes to my pa Three hundred to dear mama

We’ll do these two lines together cause they’re related. A young person “bequeaths” their wealth to their parents. This sounds like a child has passed away before their parents.

Poor little General Crab, Only a shell remains

The English lyric here is quite depressing — possibly hinting at more death. In the Japanese lyric, the “General Crab” lost both their legs.

Unagi goodbye Now rest in peace, please don't cry

These two lines are presented quite differently in Japanese. In English, it seems like Dvorak saw either another Fontainian or foreigner die in front of them. In the Japanese lyric, Dvorak seems to have seen another Fontainian/foreigner suffering while unconscious, sleeping in a dilapidated house.

Onikabuto, raise your horns Here's to a world beyond the storm Of rosy skies

No reincarnation in the English lyrics, which is kind of disappointing (like, why did the title have reincarnation in it then?). Storm here being conflict and war. In Japanese, the “storm” is instead “tainted world”. The “raise your horns” here is likely a call to action. In Japanese, it’s literally translated as “with your horns, we shall make bloom”. In both cases, they probably imply the wish to flip the world upside down, just like how an onikabuto beetle would in a fight. This means that in both the languages, it seems to convey a wish to strive for a world without conflict and war.

The rock genre is usually associated with a spirit of rebelliousness, usually towards a society that isn’t working in someone’s favour, be it that the person wants something good or bad. In Dvorak’s case, at least according to the lyrics, he seems to be seeking peace. Also, Dvorak continued to host the event despite not being able to secure the funding he wished for. This entire event is quite possibly his attempt at presenting his thanks to the people who saved him in the Puppy Union.

On another note, several people have most probably realized Dvorak’s intentions. We already know Kokomi is probably aware of it, and so does Miko. One that’s quite a bit less obvious is Thoma, and it’s quite easily missed unless you revisit his voice lines; he suggested to the Traveller that the story of the heroic dog is a story weaved by Dvorak to convey a message. Given how close he is to the Kamisato siblings, it shouldn’t be surprising if he knew of the Puppy Union.

And there we go, that is what some people think is the hidden message behind the whole event. It seems like HoYoverse is trying to add more background info to the Civil War in Inazuma here, possibly suggesting that we might get more such stories down the line?

Another thing I’d like to note after seeing an English playthrough of the event. The Raiden Shogun’s lines in English are… somewhat shallow, and makes it look like all she knows is to swing a sword around. In Japanese, her answer to Miko’s question is much more nuanced. “Then I (alone) shall face it head on,” is her answer in Japanese, which was then followed by Miko’s “the attendees of today’s event will surely be your ally”. The Japanese text better reflects the Shogun’s personality, who is always ready to bear all burdens alone and to the best of her abilities.


I’m not particularly vested in Ferrocene and I won’t be using it for my own purposes (or business for that matter), but it’s cool to see that they’re not only releasing Ferrocene today, but also have a clear message saying they’ll be open sourcing their code for the compiler. Grats to the people at Ferrous Systems.

For those who don’t know what Ferrocene is…

Ferrocene is the main Rust compiler - rustc - but quality managed and qualified for use in automotive and industrial environments (currently by ISO 26262 and IEC 61508) by Ferrous Systems. It operates as a downstream to the Rust project, further increasing its testing and quality on specific platforms.

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