The are strong in this one.
You clearly didn't read the Lenin book I linked and, by seeing your activity in here, you are close to the ban.
So I just want to say that is so fucking funny that you think that the passing of time exonerates USA from their crimes. I mean, how much time has to pass? They are still putting children in cages, invading countries, having the highest incarcerated population, making coups in foreign countries, etc.
But let's follow your logic, and let's wait a few years. That way all the Russian crimes will be just past grievances.
Let's just do that.
Fascist idiot
Hey, Space Neoliberalist. If you ever touch some real theory (instead of reading Harry Potter and The Washington Post), like Lenin. You would know that this is an inter-capitalist conflict (you know what that means?). If you think that USA is helping in good faith (and not in the interest of colonialism exploitation in the long run), you are an idiot.
“fashy past grievances reasons”
So denouncing the crimes of the west is fascist now?
-“Hey USA shouldn't have supported dictatorships in Latin America with their Plan Cóndor, or helped in the coup against the democratic elected Salvador Allende. Or dropped two atomic bombs in two civilian cities, or having the highest incarcerated population doing slave labor, or burn with napalm villages, or puting children in cages in the border, or….”. I could be all night talking about USA crimes. A whole month with the Nato members crimes.
-”Shut up fascist.”
Is always projetion with you liberals. Scrath a liberal, and a bloodthirsty nafo fascist bleeds.
This is bait. There is no way this isn't bait.
But let's pretend this isn't bait. Read more about ``Liberation theology". Not the watered down liberal interpretation of it, but their theoretical marxist and anti-colonialist ideological corpus. Where they saw the "Great Satan '' in capitalism, their interpretation of reality through dialectic-materialism, their support for anti-colonialist movements and socialist revolutions.
They helped in Nicaragua, they opposed reactionary archbishops, they joined the guerrillas in the revolutionary process, they understood that Marxism wasn't the boogeyman the Department of State and The Vatican tried sold them.
Of course they were shunned by the Vatican and persecuted and killed during the 60-70-80 in Latin America (DSN and Operation Cóndor for more).
But hey, they knew who the real enemy was. And China (just like Cuba or Nicaragua) isn't the real enemy. Is an ally. A way to a better world.
Source: Michael Lowy - "El cristianismo liberacionista en Latinoamérica" en "Guerra de dioses. Religión y política en América Latina”,1999.
You know? We are open to discussions and polite exchanges in Hexbear. If there is good faith (and no racism, hate, ableism, homophobia, etc) there are a lot of bridges to build and learn.
But you came to Hexbear to start shit. And now you are resurrecting a 2 days old post because you are angry about not receiving upvotes in our instance.