@worfamerryman Take it easy on Sam, he was trying to go home and his last jump put him on a starship with very little hint as to what's going on.
@blogoklahoma This screams "scam". Or at the very least, an extremely underbaked plan, since Branson is right there...
Bell curve on Kinsey scale: centers around 2.5 with exclusively hetero or homosexual people being uncommon
@startrekexplained: "Most people are straight"
@startrekexplained Let me clarify. I believe the writers wanted to openly ship them, and didn't because Paramount was trying to make it a political issue. I firmly believe existing is not political and trying to make it that way is pretty cowardly.
@startrekexplained @BobKerman3999 Doesn't seem that hard to me. It's entirely possible an entire room of writers would have considered existing apolitical and wanted to cast a gay couple as not even being remarkable, even back then.
I was also in the closet back then. Mostly because there's people out there who want to make existing political, and want me dead now because of it.
@Admin Heh, seems random when we can follow the sub from Mastodon directly! I mean, that's how I've been doing it.
@Tired8281 @StillPaisleyCat Let's not kid ourselves. The late 90s were pretty problematic in a lot of ways that Voyager basically leaned into while also passively calling out.
@Tired8281 @StillPaisleyCat I dunno about that! The only reason the Borg plot wasn't a few-episode one-off was because 7/9 was providing some T&A the franchise...basically lacked entirely given it's sausage party crew and Neelix macking on Ocampas in a way that was totally weird and creepy.
@dan Yowza that's a hell of a comment to come out of nowhere in your fediverse feed without context!
@ValueSubtracted Is the Friday Night Death Slot still a thing? Because it's right around this point Star Trek series usually get shuffled into the Friday Night Death Slot.