Good! That's why I voted for TRUMP!
Oh no! Republicans are NOT going to like That!
Quick Trump he NEEDS a Pardon! Prison is only for STRUGGLING PARENTS and MINORITIES of ANY age!
Good! I see NOTHING wrong with Republican Lawmakers making Laws to Funnel MY Tax dollars into their Wallets! What I DO have a Problem with is HUNTER BIDEN using his NAME to get a JOB!
I TOLD you I'm NOT Racist! I like ALL Sex Traffickers REGARDLESS of Religion!
This is ABSURD! That Sanders would Attempt to use MY TAX DOLLARS to Benefit ME when there's people like Elon Musk who need a NEW YACHT/MANSION/SUIT/WIFE!
And SO HELP THEM GOD if they DONT! They'll get a STERN LETTER!
Good! It would be HORRIBLE if we Held Companies that DESTROY the Working Class ACCOUNTABLE! How would they Continue to ~~Exploit~~ Innovate otherwise?
Trump Limiting who can see the Redacted Files is PROOF he's INNOCENT! Only INNOCENT People Hide things!
Good! When I say I don't want Immigrants RAPING OUR CHILDREN what I really mean is I HATE BROWN PEOPLE and I'm TOTALLY OK with WHITE IMMIGRANT CHILD SEX TRAFFICKERS coming to my Country!
Good! I'm glad she's waiting so they can make sure Trump and Musk and other Billionaires are NOT in it!
The House Speaker, a Republican, is Living in a House that's the Center Of a Secret Campaign that Americans are NOT supposed to Know about but will effect all Their Lives? That's Proof that DEMOCRATS are the Deep State!