I wouldn't expect people who don't have the self-discipline needed to cook a frozen pizza in the oven to be capable of organizing a large-scale national rebellion.
If you look around and are informed then you can easily purchase drives that are designed for Nas use. I shucked three eight terabyte Western digital external hard drives and they were all WD reds, but because of the deal they were running they were $60 a piece cheaper inside of the shell than they were outside of the shell.
There's no way that a human heart would be able to pump enough blood to supply the full vascular needs of a thousand pound centaur.
Most likely, the human halfs heart is more of a vestigial organ or more of an assisting organ to help ensure that even under strenuous cardio that the brain receives enough blood flow to operate optimally.
The lung system though is definitely a weird one. I would be more inclined to believe that there are no lungs in the centaurs human half, maybe the areas that are lungs in a human would be something like a cud sack or some sort of extra biliary devices to increase the amount of acidity to break down their largely herbivorous appetite.
That's a pretty standard issue with grid tied solar systems. You save a lot of money by not having batteries, but when the neighborhood goes down you go down with it.
Plus you don't want to be pumping electricity into a downed power system, you could actually end up hurting a line man who is working on the system.
However, and both of these issues can be resolved by adding in a generator and a whole house cut off system.
In a power outage scenario, all you would have to do is throw the crossover switch and crank the generator. The generator would produce enough energy to reactivate the solar system.
And most franchises are required to purchase their raw ingredients from the parent corporation, which means that even if they choose to be flexible on their prices their baseline costs are still set by a global conglomerate.