Yeh my memory is foggy but the Ukrainians called the Iranian drones vespas or lawnmowers or something along those lines due to the small motor sound.
Definitely an eeriness to the buzz.
Yeh my memory is foggy but the Ukrainians called the Iranian drones vespas or lawnmowers or something along those lines due to the small motor sound.
Definitely an eeriness to the buzz.
Yeh I underbuilt for my usage with 32gb 18 months ago, but I got the quickest spec'd ddr5 at the time. I'm ready for an upgrade now.
16gb would have never sufficed for my 3D CAD school work.
Hey remember when you tried that last time and your precious Whitehouse got burnt down?
Lol wtf that is hilarious. It's like almost the size of a soccer/basketball.
What - you can't even buy a nice two-bedroom condo here for a million dollars, I think you need to re-evaluate what a millionaire is today.
Instructions unclear, now the swing set in my back yard needs it's tires rotated.
Wait euro ovens are in Fahrenheit as well? I just thought it was our identity crisis measurements in Canada.
Wow very interesting, thanks for sharing.
I just don't understand how pieces of shit like this can fall asleep at night.
Yeh I think these are currently like $400-500 here in Canada. My boss just ordered one (or something similar), interested to see how they function.
I had to install shutoffs in a unit this week and building management refused to shut the water off (for the floor).
I used a Rigid Super Freeze and it worked really well. Installed all 5 shutoffs without a disaster.
Full disclosure, I'm a carpenter/project manager, not a plumber by trade.
Rented from United Rentals, which is North America-wide I believe.