That is a basic survival worry. I tend to believe that humans faced with real survival issues are less negatively impacted than those who have material worries.
My stress about work is killing me.
My stress about not freezing to death leads me to do things like chopping wood, lighting fires, and maintaining my chimney. Which are all good things.
I bet his friend is never worried about stupid shit.
My 63 year old mother has face tats. She just loves decorating herself.
Because of the way our brains are constructed we do all generalize. But part of the job of being a citizen of the world with other humans around you is to control that instinct.
I work with some people who are legitimately trying to cure cancer out of sheer love for all of their fellow humans who just happen to have been born in the United States.
I consider it my obligation to see their goodness regardless of where they live.
As another Canadian, I'd like to say that this dude does not speak for us all. We understand the cancer you're dealing with. Our tumors are smaller and less likely to metastasize but they are still there festering trying to eat their way to the surface.
Absolutely zero reason to think it was ever insincere
Bahahaha. Bahahahahhahahahahahahaha. Fuck you.
My brain which was forced to wake up every 3 hours to be sure my infra didn't freeze at -32C last night disagrees with you.
Fuck winter.
A roll of 'for rectal use only' stickers.
This is the way.
I am working on the same long-term plan.
By the very same people asking the question: What are you gonna do about it?
Where 'it' is your oppression.