
joined 2 years ago
[–] Bo7a 7 points 1 month ago

This and Dilaudid are the two songs I listen to after work every day to signal 'no more looking at work shit today'.

[–] Bo7a 2 points 1 month ago

I found that any video I try to upload longer than about 17 seconds fails while anything shorter works.

[–] Bo7a 4 points 1 month ago
[–] Bo7a 5 points 1 month ago

Do you know what makes hearing videos and stuff on your phone easier when you have hearing loss? Fucking headphones.

[–] Bo7a 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

A lot of people seriously misjudge turkeys as well. They picture the little dog-sized white bastards you see on farms. But out here in the forest our turkeys are 4 ft tall and their back legs are covered with murder spikes ending in feet with 3-inch talons.

[–] Bo7a 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It never gets old and starting the fire is one of my favorite things. And chopping wood can be meditative or therapeutic. But it certainly isn't exciting.

And around here once the December fires are going it really doesn't go out until March. So not a lot of meditative fire lighting sessions.

[–] Bo7a 4 points 2 months ago

It really is. After 11 years of remote work I would never go back to an office. I also understand we can't all work remote. I was an automotive and industrial painter for most of my pre-IT career and that would have been rather difficult to do over the internet :p

[–] Bo7a 7 points 2 months ago (4 children)

In my defense - The 3000th night doing it is rather dull

[–] Bo7a 5 points 2 months ago

Fair. But to a sysadmin or devops engineer availability is pretty important.

[–] Bo7a 15 points 2 months ago


I smoked a pack a day for roughly 30 years. My night time breathing was getting ugly and my wife would sometimes get woken up by the sound of my wheezing.

Every method of quitting failed me except vaping. I started as most do with a high nicotine vape juice that tasted like tobacco, but after about a month I swapped and started going lower and lower nicotine and change the flavor from tobacco to a custardy type.

2 months of that got me off the cigs. Two more months got me down to zero nicotine. Two or three more months after that I was done.

I have been off cigs for 7 years.

My breathing no longer feels wet or difficult at night. And My yearly health tests all come back the same as a non-smoker.

[–] Bo7a 5 points 2 months ago

There is a little goat trail by the lake we live near. And I knew nobody was around so I got a little naughty and went touring around. Of course, I had to hop off and take some pictures.


But how could I resist? I took the bobber out for a little off-roading down a goat trail that runs by the swamp/lake near our place, and the scenery was so fitting that I hopped off and snapped some pics.


[JUST VENTING - Nobody is actually going to find this or get hurt for having it...]

I hope it was worth your time. That backpack is worthless to you, but it was a collectable to me. And it is very recognizable.

It is a triumph motorcycles backpack that only came with one year of bikes. It was never sold to the public, and is no longer available. But it is still worthless for resale.

All that was in it was a bottle of pepsi and some random USB cables. But you did wreck my day, and my wife's. Since that was the bag that would have allowed me to get some groceries on the way home.

I have given 40 bucks each to a bunch of the folks at the mission with the promise of adding another 100 bucks to the person who finds it. 200 if they have proof they made you bleed.

If you would rather not get jumped by a pile of angry unhoused folks you should bring it back where you found it.

Piece of shit.

[Edit to add: Come on folks. This is obviously a venting post, and nobody is going to bleed over this backpack that has almost certainly already been tossed in a garbage can somewhere.]


Enjoy! Post! Comment!

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Bo7a to c/punk_rock

The name might get this post removed. Which would be sad. But I guess it would also be pretty punk...

submitted 2 years ago by Bo7a to c/art

Mine is easy. But I won't share in case it comes off as spam since she is my wife :p

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Bo7a to c/motorcycles

Post your pics, mechanical questions, road stories, and anything else motorcycle related. The usual rules apply - Don't be a jerk, don't start fights, and don't share porn. If the community wants more biker pin-up stuff we can make a sister-community for that.

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