Ive been using Lib reddit (for now)
I like CPG gray as a content creator, but he did do that and the Royals video. I dunno. libs were really starry eyed back then.
I've found Gmail really hates firefox, especially with VPN. I have to use one of those masking extensions. I've found that its basically locked me out of my student email.
Okay, but with Luigi, it was self defense.
EDIT: It appears that some videos are coming through and some are not.
So the current build on the site is 2.3.1? How long does it take for the public release?
Everyone is right; its an easy way to equate "deviancy" and to deny people rights. Its not just LGBT+; whenever nazis want to make a group of people a target, they accuse them of being "rapists" or "pedophiles." The OG Nazis accused the Jews of wanting to molest Aryan women. Just look at Birth of a Nation. Or Trumps comments about Mexicans being rapists. It is also just generalized dehumanizing language.
But also: there is power in redefining "pedophilia." It lets them attack LGBT+ by calling them "groomers" but then involve the services of inspectors who exist to... "verify" genitalia? It allows them to bring back child marriage or protect powerful clergy or rich assholes like Epstien, while attacking gay marriage. Libertarians attack the age of consent and want to bring back child labor. Everything becomes pedophilia except actual pedophilia. The real question becomes, why, when one has enough money or institutional power to do anything, like go to space or buy a senator to protect your wealth systemically, why does become extremely interested in fucking children?
I can agree with that. "As intended" and so on
The D's aren't going to fix anything. I know this because they didn't fix anything the last time. Its a big tent that encompasses everyone left of "don't hunt LBTQ for sport" and like, 2/3 of those people don't even believe in that strongly enough to not ally with the same Silicon Valley brownshirt dipshits that the fascists do. They didn't enshrine Roe. They couldn't even shore up enough support to prevent Trump from running again in spite of the utter insanity of his first term and the fucking shit he campaigned on this last time.
And if you disagree, just remember, they lost twice to Trump. The second time they had every single advantage; Project 2025, Biden guiding the pandemic recovery. They couldn't not deep throat natanyahu long enough not to lose Dearborn and Miami, even though the other side is literally going to throw them into Concentration camps, and they couldn't help themselves but to parade around literal war criminal Liz Cheney.
I'm not being a doomer. We have two parties in this country. Fascists and Fundraisers. We have to understand this. The next four years will be filled with genocide; migrants are being send to Gitmo already. The RFK is talking about rounding up the disabled. DEI is just another euphemism for the N word, so at best we are a few months out from someone saying that they should round up DEI or "woke" or whatever. And the Dems will go with it, up until they get night of Long Knives themselves (with a few exceptions, who will be arrested earlier.) I know this because they sure haven't done shit as of yet. Except for reach across the isle and confirm some utterly unqualified Q anon pilled cabinet choices, and of course, yelling about how this is all illegal, like Eddard Stark, with his dick flapping in the breeze.
The system is working as intended and must be destroyed.
I can think of one action, but suggesting it has gotten me banned from several social media platforms.
Do you sometimes consider quitting, for this or other reasons?
I was a caregiver for a man with disabilities for about 10 years, until I moved up and started supervising other care givers. Leaving him was hard.