
joined 2 years ago
[–] BuoyantCitrus 4 points 3 days ago

Especially because it sends money to the party you vote for, which the OPC has upheld: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1005286/all-parties-in-ontario-legislature-support-extending-per-vote-subsidy

All the more impactful because we have limits on campaign finance so rich people have to try a teensy bit harder to influence the process.

[–] BuoyantCitrus 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

https://results.elections.on.ca/en/graphics-charts has a chart at the bottom for "Historical Voter Turnout". It goes back to 1866. What I see in this is that giving up so hard on our democracy that you don't engage with it in the simplest way is a pretty recent thing:

1929 set a new all-time low of 57% that didn't get beat until we hit 52% in 2007. And we've been lowering the bar since then:

2011, the next election hit a new low of 48%.

2014 at 51% wasn't much better, in 2018 we at least got 57% to tie the record low that held since 1929.

And last time in 2022 it was 44% and we talked about it a lot. Because that was depressing af. I really hope enough of them heard so we never lower the bar beyond that. And hopefully we can start getting it above 57% on the regular like we managed to do for 78 years.


It's concerning what a few billionaires are doing but there are way more of us so if everyone is doing small things it can add up.

One easy one is noticing where businesses you deal with get their boxes. My favourite coffee roastery used to use Uline boxes but is switching suppliers after they learned the back story on those guys: https://www.propublica.org/article/uline-uihlein-election-denial

What are some other small ways you've found to push back on the attempted coup of our southern neighbour?

[–] BuoyantCitrus 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

neutrality/cooperation with China and Russia,

the reality of Russia’s claims of self defense

...WTF? There are way too many Canadians with ties to Ukraine, myself included, that would be offended at the very idea of anything but utter condemnation of Russia's inhumanly brutal invasion. How can an invasion ever be "self defense", that's absurd.


How can abducting children, laying siege to residential areas, rape, torture, etc. be self defense? It's not. It's abhorrent. Russia is worse than Trump.


Language matters.

The President is empowered by a Congress controlled by a narrow majority. Rather than the individual they have chosen, I am pissed at the Republican party. And disappointed in the American people. The guy? He was always that way and would have continued to be so at a safe distance from the levers of power without his enablers.

It is the American and especially Republican relationship with Canada that is important in this situation. Those are what endure, that person is only momentarily significant. So, where we can choose the narrative, I think that's important to focus on.

Plus I suspect he likes the sound of his own name.

[–] BuoyantCitrus 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The new version of Recall is now opt-in rather than opt-out – I got prompted to enable Recall immediately after installing the Insider Build.

This seems to be the important bit, hopefully it stays opt in.

Stop Pretending Toronto is More Than It Is (mishaglouberman.substack.com)
submitted 2 months ago by BuoyantCitrus to c/toronto
[–] BuoyantCitrus 18 points 3 months ago

And not just any Americans. They're owned by Chatham Asset Management, a hedge fund associated with the Republican party that also owns a notably Postmedia-like publication: The National Enquirer (via a360) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatham_Asset_Management

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by BuoyantCitrus to c/[email protected]

I've blithely assumed that backups / snapshots of my home dir (including my Thunderbird profile) were covering my email. But it occurs to me it may be more difficult than expected.

I have message synchronization on for any folders I care about ("for offline use"). What I was assuming this meant was that if my mail host disappeared or mysteriously deleted an important folder, I would still be able to switch to a backup, start TB in offline mode (via a commandline parameter), and copy those folders to a local folder at which point I could reconnect and drag them back to my new host, a local imapd I use as an archive, or wherever.

But ...would that actually work? Anyone recover email from offline folders? How'd that go?


Well, there can never be too many reminders to verify our backups and I'm all for that but that's less what I was after. I was specifically thinking about the scenario when an IMAP host somehow loses an important folder or disappears entirely. How would it go to recover from a sync'd folder in tb? What caveats would there be? Would attachments show up?

But ya, this post was silly, it's easy enough to try. Yes it works, yes the attachments come with. No major issues in my limited test.

However, I did learn one annoying thing: there is no command line option to start Thunderbird in offline mode. So in the case where the folder was deleted on IMAP I'd either have to:

  • disconnect from the network before running the app
  • quickly toggle offline before it finishes connecting and deleting the folder
  • use the pref to prompt if you want to go online every time you start

I think for as rare a scenario as this is it's fine to just disconnect but I'm a bit surprised it really doesn't seem to have a flag for it.

[–] BuoyantCitrus 3 points 4 months ago

Oh man, that inflation will get ya, back in the day it was only $20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH6kUCqIfD4

[–] BuoyantCitrus 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Aha, thanks for posting this, was a bit dismayed that I didn't see that in the release. Now I see it was a misunderstanding so will wait until December to be disappointed. Well, no, I'm disappointed that I've been able to do this on my thinkpad for years and have had to fiddle with awkward compromises like accubattery if I want to reduce wear on my phone battery.

Anyone happen to know which release the audio sharing feature is scheduled for? Missed that one too.

[–] BuoyantCitrus 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Ha unfortunately browsers kind of decide that, I like JXL too 😢


I see there's an update coming soon that will add support for AVIF (woo!) and I wonder if that'll also coincide with enabling WebP for pixelfed.social? I was hoping to use less platform resources by uploading smaller/better files.

Also, if they're smaller maybe they won't have to be reconverted server-side? It'd be nice if I could optimize them locally from RAW without them being reprocessed but didn't see any guidelines in help that would guide me in doing that. Or will it be re-jpg'd regardless of what I send?

[–] BuoyantCitrus 1 points 5 months ago

My understanding of debbootstrap is that it's for installing a minimal system, which is very much not what I want to do when rescuing an existing system as it'd probably overwrite things I'd like to keep. And the mount commands in the docs there to bind virtual filesystems before a chroot are similar to the sorts of things I'm hoping to find a memorable shortcut for yes. However, I already know what I want to bind mount, just looking for a more convenient way to go about it in a panic. Thanks for the suggestion.

[–] BuoyantCitrus 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Yes I recognise this post was more typing than a few decades of system rescuing but it's also more relaxing because my laptop already works and a one character typo won't be as much of a hassle here. It'd make an unpleasant chore more pleasant if there were a simple alias for this, which I occasionally speculate on proposing but ehhh I don't need it so often.

So it appears this time I'm motivated enough to make a post here. But not quite motivated enough to:

  • figure out how to wedge something to do this into the filesystem on my rescue ISO (because I'll either lose that USB or need to remember to repeat it for the next Debian stable release which might come out before I need this again

I'm thinking on a longer time scale)

  • learn how to formally engage with the Debian community (which seems lovely and welcoming but also extremely bureaucratic for sensible reasons and like I'll have a pretty long road ahead of me to get a patch together and properly formatted and somehow applicable to all architectures and documented/internationalised and a lot of other steps I'm insufficiently motivated to undertake but perhaps eventually once I have a critical mass of contributions in mind that it feels worthwhile to dive in).

I know it's my fault for believing what my neglected laptop told me about its battery but I went ahead an did a kernel update anyway and wound up needing to repair my system.

After a quick search I wound up on https://wiki.debian.org/GrubEFIReinstallOnLUKS per usual.

The biggest hassle of this is having to type out the longish for loop to bind the various vfs to the chroot environment. It was bad enough when it was proc/sys/dev but it's worse these days:

for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done

I realise there are various things that'd automate that if I connected the rescue image to the internet and added a package but that's also hassles as I've really just booted it with the express purpose of reinstalling grub.

But maybe there is already some form of shortcut for this in the system that I've missed? Or some existing ticket/effort to enact one I could +1?


My Keychron Q11 showed up recently and I've been super happy with it. Main reason was that my Noppoo Choc Mini finally lost a switch and I don't have any on hand (nor a soldering iron ...yet) but it turns out I actually really wanted the pair of rotary encoders on this and didn't even realise.

Specifically, I've got it bound to Ctrl-PgUp/PgDown so I can scroll through my tabs with it and close them with a click binding to Ctrl-W and that's working out really well.

Anyone else use the knobs like that? I've got the other one set to volume and the vendor had zoom as a suggestion but I wonder what else people do with these?

Bonus newb Q: On the product page they demonstrate binding Ctrl-+ zooming to the encoder via a macro but neither macro13 nor the {KC_LCTL,KC-W} type syntax would let me click "Confirm" when trying to associate it to the knob in Via (eg. it wouldn't let me follow their example). Luckily it was happy with the alternative of LCTL(KC_W) that I stumbled on somewhere but now I wonder how to properly associate a macro to a knob?


Last time I needed to add rf to a desktop, Intel AX200 seemed like the chipset to get. But now there are various new standards and the BE200 apparently has issues with AMD systems? So is there something newish from Qualcomm or others that I should be aiming for or would I probably be better off just picking up an AX210?

Since the card might be kicking around a while I'm curious what has the best overall Linux support with as many significant 802.11 standards and Bluetooth codecs as possible for general future-proof-ness. Would also be nice if it had good support for AP mode as that's sometimes handy or I might repurpose it into a router at some point.


Apparently, while it's closed for new donations, liberapay is still going to renew existing ones.


Seems like the Landlord and Tenant Board isn't the only part of our justice system falling apart due to provincial neglect.

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