The original makes sense. Both your alternatives are weird. The first is completely strange the second one begs the question, what about Janice.
What are you trying to express here?
Yeah bad QA folks abound. Also release engineer roles seem to attract low skilled folks like honey.
I've noticed them since Toyota introduced Moon Rock Gray. Never noticed the OG Nardo. I love these paints and hope they stay popular long enough there are plenty on the used market someday.
Severely lacking in car company logos.
As a dev I worked with a QA person who also took on the project management role. Pairing with a skilled QA more than doubled my productivity. Big props to QA if they are willing to embed and iterate.
Sounds like your friend is gifted. Being able to hold onto a focused logic stack like that through an interruption is very special.
What are you suggesting? That we vote Biden in the primary?
I'm pretty sure this is how it is for neurotypical folk too.
I don't want Biden. Nobody I know wants Biden. All my friends are voting uncommitted now but will hold their noses and vote for whoever is most likely to beat Trump in the general. It's a pathetic situation.
There are invite threads including one for EMP. Just nobody offering invitations lately.
Perhaps so because I'm not very community oriented. I don't chat. I download. I seed forever. I have 500Mbps upload. I fulfill requests occasionally. I'm not the worst for sure.
I also didn't try to join EMP until last year when I was looking for something I couldn't find.