Ice storm of 2004, we didn't have power for 13 days, 10 of those days the road conditions were so bad that we couldn't get off the farm.
We had switched over to gas heat about 5 years before and didn't have a wood burner anymore so we had to resort to boiling pots of snow on the gas stove to keep the house above freezing.
The whole family slept in the downstairs living room adjacent to the kitchen with the gas stove in our sleeping bags and camping gear to stay warm.
On day 10 when the roads were accessible again we went to town but most places were still closed in the ones that weren't were picked pretty clean.
We we're able to find kerosene for the kerosene heaters and kept the house a little warmer for the next three days until the power came back on.
Where's the Death of Rats?
He literally blamed it on Biden and DEI earlier.
Yes, they've been moving right and trying to stay in the center for 30 years.
Something I haven't seen anyone talk about is the fact that the population of Greenland isn't enough for statehood under the US Constitution. So even if Trump were to somehow acquire Greenland, it doesn't qualify to become a state.
Here's a picture of one of the boxes I bought when I was in Michigan, and I agree that Michigan did it right.
I went up and bought these before they legalized it in Ohio and they did the homegrow parts right but man our dispensaries are fucked up.
Might as well be a swastika armband at this point.
Fred should have given him a good shake in the crib
You can actually buy them like this in Michigan, they're called "halflings" and have wizards and dwarves on the box cover.
So I'm watching LoTR after
Words directly spoken by Jesus are in red, most of the things Jesus said would be considered radically socialist by today's "Christians"
I understand, I was just throwing actual numbers out because it pisses me off too.
All of us, all of us are going to die.
Accidents from unmaintained infrastructure.
Disasters from relaxed building codes.
Infectious disease like bird flu.
Preventable disease due to no access to health care.
Pregnancy complications with no ability to terminate.
Concentration camps.
Access to clean water.
Accelerated climate change.
We are truly fucked.