I think once a year they show the donation banner, then I donate something like 10 dollars. I use Wikipedia almost daily, so I'm glad to contribute something.
Yes! Some aren’t as good as others, so I would suggest to read a couple of non spoiler reviews before buying one.
In my country they are also relatively cheap, 8-15 euros. Definitely can recommend the Darth Bane trilogy.
The developer of Narwahl is reworking the app, it is going to use subscriptions to cover the cost of the API. He has a grace period where the API is still working for free.
All the content that was gathered on Reddit as well.
Way better, in my opinion Andor and Rogue One is the best Star Wars content that Disney have produced.
gives a bit of an old reddit feel.
That is why I'm here.
What features or looks are you looking for?
I’m glad to see that the gap between RB and the competition is slowly closing.
Well... there was a dead bird in the break duct of Verstappen, so I don't think they are closing the gap.
De laatste tijd werden er ook bijna alleen maar nieuwsberichten gepost, waaronder dat gediscussieerd werd.
Remember boys, no pre-orders!
That sounds like a good idea! Do you have a link where people donate?
Tom Segura, although his latest special is my least favourite one.