
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Do you know where the money went? Sounds like there's a couple hundred grand in cash floating around out there.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago

She'd have to pay the remaining balance before the bank will release the lien.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

Ah, a new spin on the "I'm just asking questions" method of spreading FUD and propaganda.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 5 months ago

If that had happened, I'd bet money they would have arrested clinic staff for assaulting an officer or some other bullshit charge. They already do this when police shoot innocent bystanders.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

the fact that this is the worst-merchandised franchise in the world is incredibly annoying

I can't agree with this more. It's insane the disparity between ST merch and Star Wars merch. It's like Trek stuff is always the "Wish version" of what the people behind Star Wars are putting out. Lego is a good example, they've put out hundreds of Star Wars sets over decades while Star Trek is relegated to the shitty knockoff Lego-clone companies who think they can charge as much as Lego for what they offer.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago

Lol I'd hardly call it a Pavlovian response. It's more that it's a well known date for stores to have sales on their merchandise, which is why people shop around on those days. I don't see what's so offensive about saving some money on a purchase you were going to make anyway, but I think there is some projection happening here.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

The point is to increase sales. Browsing a website or walking through a store and not buying anything doesn't generate any revenue for a business. Nothing is being consumed, nor is anyone being forced to buy things against their will as the term "ordered" would suggest.

Do you get this bent out of shape when a store has a sale or promotion at any other point in the year?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (4 children)

I'd hardly call them "orders." I will shop for deals on both days, but that doesn't mean I'm actually going to buy anything, especially with all the price tracking extensions available and the severe lack of actual discounts over the last few years. I will only buy things that are actually on sale and things that I actually want/need prior to me seeing them on discount.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I just buy a cheap jumbo pack from Amazon. They're like 15 bucks and last for years which is good enough for me.

[–] [email protected] 70 points 5 months ago (14 children)

Generally because you're buying cheaper ones that aren't built as well. Heat destroys LEDs and the cheap bulbs generally use fewer individual LEDs running at higher power to produce a given output in lumens. More expensive bulbs use more LEDs at lower power to achieve the same light output so that they're not constantly being overdriven and last much longer.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

So, if I understand this correctly, this woman is being sued by the state if California for making a list of bad cops using knowledge that she may have obtained prior to her working for the DA's office? Isn't that fucking special. What are they going to do about the bad cops?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

Hey, that's how old my baby boy turned today. What a coincidence!


This might not be the best place to post but I figure there are a lot of like-minded tinkerers here who may have a solution, whether DIY or store bought.

I'm trying to figure out a way to set up a very basic and simple to use speaker/media player for my special needs kiddo to use in her room. Something akin to a '90s boombox with a burned CD inside of it but with modern features like Spotify connectivity and a smaller package.

Ideally, this would have a speaker and minimal controls like play/pause, skip, FF/RWD. My goal would be to have a basic device that she could use to play a dedicated Spotify playlist (or MP3 files to simplify but less preferable) without having to pair devices, load an app (apart from the initial configuration), turn multiple devices on, or basically do anything other than turning the device on and hitting play.

I've been using HA for a couple years now and have recently tried setting up the Spotify integration (and third-party add-ons like Spotcast) with the hopes of cobbling something together but found it's pretty clunky and doesn't even load my playlists or start playback half the time.

The end product doesn't need to be smart or connect to HA, so I'm willing to entertain any potential solution.


Anyone know where to get replacement parts for the stock extruder, or a relatively inexpensive aftermarket extruder replacement that is of decent quality?

I've been having issues with jamming recently and after trying everything I could to fix it, tore the extruder apart and discovered there is a sizeable groove worn into one of the plastic guide pieces. I suspect the filament is getting caught in this groove and pinched, which causes the drive to grind the filament and jam while the printer keeps humming along not actually printing anything.

I'm in the middle of printing out a full sized Storm Trooper helmet and this is causing me a lot of grief when prints make it 380/450 layers and then jam and stop printing. I've learned how to restart a print at the failed layer, but I'd rather not have to keep babysitting things or tossing out a bunch of waste when it craps out at 15%

Here is the part I'm looking for but I can only find it in a big $40 kit or as $100 extruder replacement:

Edit: If anyone else comes across this in the future, I was able to source one from Happy3DThai for around $2.99. I bought the last two in stock (one as an eventual replacement for the replacement) but I'm sure they'll get more eventually.

Edit 2, Electric Boogaloo: I just found them on AliExpress in a 4-pack too. If you search for "Titan extruder guide tube" you'll find them.

Final edit: turns out this part wasn't the cause of the issue. The extruder stepper motor went bad (bearings full of junk) and would randomly lock up while rotating. I was able to feel it sticking when rotating it by hand. $10 replacement and I'm back in business.

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