It sounds like they did it right. They used AI to identify things for the humans to examine in more detail.
I've seen kites that looked more convincing. There are now some real, functional flying cars, although they are still far too expensive to be practical. This is not one of them.
There's no point in explaining what you do to someone who isn't going to understand your answer.
The whole Trump administration are operating like terrorists. They don't necessarily care about the results of any particular offense, the goal is to discourage anyone from standing against them.
I despise Meta, and always have, but the company I hate most is... ...the entire health insurance industry. UnitedHealth is the worst, but there isn't one among them that isn't ruining lives and killing people on a surprisingly large scale every single day.
We need to start saying "former US allies". That damage is done.
I love this!
Our version has some white mixed in with the black. I theorize that is Hawking radiation crossing the event horizon.
It is probably worth noting that I am removing the DRM so I can read them on devices that do not have Kindle apps.
Nothing is certain, but it looks like you will still be able to download books into local memory so you can read them. As long as the apps still work that way, it will be possible to access the book files.
You do need a tool that can remove the DRM from the books files the Kindle uses. DeDRM used to do this nicely, but it has not been updated to handle the most recent version of Kindle DRM. It will not works on any books published since early 2024.
There are commercial options that can remove even the latest DRM from Kindle books. I use Epubor Ultimate. It was the first to handle the most recent Kindle DRM, but I'm sure there are others by now.
What sunset? All I see is a magnificent cat.
Not complete, but fairly close. Any background talking makes it difficult.
...and the horse he road in on.