Painfully ghet out from the side and park horizontally behind him ...
A knife is way better and u probably already have one
Thanks i have found it finally 👍🏻
Ec Emm this side is the best one ....
++++++++[< +++++++++>-]<. ++++[<+++++++>-]<+. +++++++.. +++.
++++++[<+++++++>-]<++. ------------. ++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+. <. +++. ------. --------.
Thanks man unfortunately I have a Xiaomi phone so probably I don't have the default options for video streaming links since miui and android are similar I have found the app settings and the defaults but I don't have anything such as default video player (for links ) thanks anyway 👍🏻
Where have u set this option I can't find it in settings some time ago I have probably set YouTube as default since I can't chose a different app ...
The bucket
Yeah that's the problem it's so expensive not to mention when you buy a discounted one and the vim session is already open...
Tried it's a scam , doesn't work
Uh... so u guys don't change the PC each time that's cool I would definitely try that ...
Mari electrocardiogram
I see you man they forced us to watch it when I was 5 or 6 at school, since it lasted longer than an hour I have never seen the end ... I had nightmares for years I still can't see that movie I'm 21 and I fear nothing except that ducking movie ...