Suffering should be eradicated at all costs
What is suffering? I've lumped that word in with all the other religious claptrap like "soul" and "afterlife" and whatnot.
Are you talking about pain (the sensation)? It doesn't seem that you mean that, but if you did it would be absurd. "Pain should be eradicated" makes no sense. It can't even be said that pain should be avoided, since discomfort is often associated with worthwhile, and ultimately pleasant, activities.
Define suffering so we can be on the same page.
Humanity doesn’t have an inherent right to exist,
True, as far as it goes. But it's like "turnips have no inherent right to exist". Pretty meaningless, and in the context where people actually want to exist (and for others to exist), somewhat misleading.
I see your beliefs now.
Please, read my palm. Tell everyone what my beliefs are.
If this is your opinion, then it is only reasonable for those of us who do find value in society and humanity to ignore your opinions on how those things should work. Your statement is, in essence, a resignation from those groups.
I spend about 10 hours a week at the gym pursuing activities that (best that I can tell what you mean by "suffering") cause me suffering. I am better for it.
Yes. And since the consequences of having children is good, at least net good, there's not much of a choice to make.
At most, I simply have to avoid the sorts of abuse that would cause them to turn out like yourself and believe absurdities such as "human extinction is a goal one should pursue".
Because these sorts of genetic issues are exceedingly rare, and the people who have them and know they have them would have a very different attitude which you do not present.
Moreso, I've spoken to such people as yourself in person before, and the "conditions" they specify would be jokeworthy except that they're typically friends or at least acquaintances I wouldn't want to be blunt with. "My grandparents have diabetes!" and such. WTF.
I live in an absurd world populated by absurd people hellbent on making certain it won't be populated at all anymore.