
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Who am I thinking of: idiotic nazi saluter.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You literally said the problem was with insulin producing spikes from carbs, and therefore you can't eat a plant based diet. I just showed you evidence that you can indeed eat a plant based diet, carbs or not, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. And can even reverse diabetes.

It was obvious from the beginning you were being totally disingenuous. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but the fact that you'll block over such an inoffensive message confirms my initial suspicion about you. You just don't want to eat a plant based diet and will find any reason not to. You had zero interest in learning and are just here to argue.


[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Traditional Indian omni diet. You don't need to go low carb. In fact the desired ratio is 80% carbs, 10% protein, 10% fat. She still had grains and other carbs. It's about the type of carbs (slow digesting). For example bread will nearly always be high GI because the yeast has done the digestion for you. Whereas white pasta will be lower, because it takes a long time to digest. Carbs are good, as long as it's the right type of carbs.

People who say they've reversed their diabetes by going low carb haven't reversed it, because it would come right back if they ate carbs. It's like saying I made my arm fireproof by not holding a flame to it. Whereas going high fibre, low fat, low GI will allow you to still eat carbs without sugar spikes.

As I said, look into the work of Neal Barnard, who has reversed type 2 diabetes without cutting carbs and without any other lifestyle changes besides diet.


You asked to be directed. So I've directed you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

You can join my Naive Idiots™ club. I'm a long time member.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

That reminded me of that flash game where you could press buttons on a Bush action figure to hear some bushisms (like "when we're talking about war, we're really talking about peace" and "there's an old saying in Texas, I know it's in Texas, probably Tennessee" and "peeance freeance"?) and there was one button to make him spit out a pretzel he was choking on. I tried to look it up but I can't find it :(

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Read The China Study and the work by Dr Neal Bernard. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed (not always, but it can be) or reduced. My mum had her dose of type 2 meds reduced by about half when she went on a plant based diet, because her blood sugar went too low on her regular dose.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

Someone on Lemmy once calculated that he could lose 99% of his net value, then lose 99% of what's left and he'd still be a multimillionaire. From the 320B, that would still leave him with 32M.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I literally just looked up the swastikar hashtag on Mastodon 🤭

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

Mine, when I blocked grad and hexbear.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Vid: https://ursal.zone/@mosquete/114066267781647664

That's just how our bus stops look here.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

Is the hate more of an American thing because of the association with MLMs and their inflated claims?

Here in the UK, they're used for minor ailments, relaxation and general fragrancing. If you tried to advertise them as a cancer cure, you'd get into a lot of trouble. I don't like the smell of lavender, but I love how good it is for sore throats and minor burns (stops blistering and scarring if you put it on as soon as you've finished cooling it).

Speaking of burns, I only got the memo recently, so for those who also missed it, the advice is now to use tepid water to cool a burn rather than cold (apparently because colder water will make the blood vessels constrict so the heat doesn't leave as quickly).

Anxiety vs Overwhelm (neurodivergentinsights.com)

Warning: ranting.

Like many, I was fobbed of with an anxiety disorder NOS diagnosis. I assumed that what I felt was anxiety. Last autumn I got to the top of the waiting list for anxiety therapy.

And it was useless. It got to the point where it felt like the therapist was trying to push low self esteem onto me so she could cure me of it, and thereby cure my anxiety.

I tried to explain to her that my anxiety wasn't based on irrational thoughts, but experience. If I have to go somewhere I'm not familiar with, I will get overloaded with all the new input. I will struggle to process it because I need to be alone to process. The same applies to my feelings. I can't deal with them when I need to, because I can't identify them. So all this makes me scared because I know it will exhaust me or make me shut down. I just see this void when I don't have any reference images. The more I can fill in that picture, the less anxious I feel. Because I can process this in advance (eg using streetview to memorise a route and save landmarks so I can navigate).

No, she says. It's because you have low self esteem. Now write down some bad statements about yourself and say them out loud.

In my quest to educate her, I came across this article and it makes so much sense why CBT wasn't working. The anxiety diagnosis doesn't fit.

Even after asking her to learn about autistic anxiety, she didn't bother. So next session I gave her a printout of that article. Something told me she wouldn't bother to learn anything from it, so I discharged myself.

Is what you're feeling anxiety or overwhelm? Does the anxiety come because you know from your own experience that something will cause you to struggle? Is the feeling more akin to dread?


Someone on Mastodon shared this link with me, and I thought you might find it as interesting as I do.

I really hate the misconception of the spectrum. It enables nasty people like Ellen degeneres to justify being a bully (in case you missed it, she tried to get diagnosed autistic. When that didn't work, she said, well it's a spectrum so we're all a little autistic, so I'm not a bully). And enables others to dismiss our struggles, cos hey, we're all on the spectrum!

Back to the article, I feel like I'm a mix of the three examples. I can see some that match from each example. How about you? When I stop feeling so lazy, I might do my own custom one.


He is such a chill dude! Can you believe HE wanted MY autograph? I wish I could have thought of more things to ask him about. I'm still a noob at bike mechanics, and a slow learner, but he was so encouraging and kind, and a lot of fun!

He really is a mechanical hero!



It's bike spokes, I swear.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What was your favourite moment of the game?


Any recommendations? I don't know if I want to splash out on something expensive. I was thinking of getting some cheap tat to act more as a deterrent, but then I thought, what if I actually need the footage? My commute is pretty short, but the amount of drivers who are happy to risk my life to shave 5 seconds off their journey is a problem.

Would any £5 cheapo camera make drivers think twice before trying to run me into the kerb or am I better off getting a decent quality camera? I'm cool with refurb/second hand.


It seems like it might be official, but it's hard to say. The video uploads are the same 360p, so maybe it's just another fan channel.

It does have most of the episodes, as well as many songs!


I have a friend who's really into them, so I thought it would be a nice surprise if I could learn one of their songs for him. I'm just not familiar with their catalogue, so does anyone have any suggestions for where to start? My level is "advanced noob" :)

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