I do the notes thing and when I'm done talking to them I refer to my notes and think of their face, that solidifies it for me pretty good.
YES... the way people talk to each other on Reddit is disheartening. I found that if I didn't phrase things EXACTLY in the same tone/manner that was the general "reddit tone/manner" it was an argument and downvotes. If I had any opinion that was ever so slightly different from the popular opinion it wasn an argument and downvotes. It became impossible to have authentic conversations in many of the subs
I'm in my mid-40s and I didn't go to college -- I was one of the last generations where you didn't HAVE HAVE HAVE to have an advanced degree to qualify for something like an admin assistant position.
I truly hope that the younger generations take this as an opportunity to stand up for themselves and stop feeding into the notion that everyone needs advanced degrees. It's absurd. If no one has a degree, then they can't demand that people have degrees. Degrees should be for engineers, doctors, people with advanced careers. Past that, it's simply a money making scheme for colleges and a bullshit bill of goods that they're selling to people who cant, and shouldn't have to, pay for it.
We have free transit in Albuquerque. It's basically turned into a rolling homeless shelter. They hired security to manage it. My dad was one of those. He was attacked by someone using drugs on the bus and had the back of his hand bit off in a brutal attack. The busses here are VERY dangerous and I'd never step foot on one again.