What is Cowboy Carter? Is that how I can find a link?
Watch it have been some ancient Navy SEALS hand signal meaning FUBAR and it caught on when the ancient warrior automatically used it as he saw his hut burning down from an accidental fire. Now, all of humanity uses it.
Looks like red is coming at blue and all yellows are like "aww shit".
Same. Sometimes I need to force myself to get in. Within secs, I wonder why I had to override my resistance, and if I will do it again tomorrow. I will do it again tomorrow.
I feel weird, dad. What's that feeling? It feels like you noticed me trying and value my contribution. I don't trust it. 😵💫
It's suspended 😮
where's my quarter? 🫴
Edit: To get it out, you can use one of those tools that has a band that wraps around the filter and tightens as you try to unscrew the filter. If you need more torque, use a long bar that can go over the handle of the filter tool. If you don't have a long bar, you might be able to use a wrench. Place the circular side around the handle of the tool, to create a longer distance between the filter and you push with your hand on this make shift lever to increase torque.
One time, I didn't have the filter tool, so I hammered a screw driver through the entire filter, creating a handle on each side which I could use to unscrew the filter. If nothing you try works, the ultimate piece to unscrew is that bare metal (no paint) piece that screws on. Rip everything of the filter off until you get to that piece, spray it with silicone lube, and see how you can twist it off.
Imagine being 6 years old and your mother hugging you while crying. You have no electricity. It's night time. Artillery shell explosions followed by the crumbling buildings and injured crying in pain are the only break you get from your mother's sounds of sobbing. They're destroying your entire block, but what you feel is terror. You can look out a window and see flashes. You don't even know what politics or weapons of mass destruction. You're just there scared until you die. You wonder what you did for this to happen. Now imagine hundreds of that same experience per night.
That never makes it into the news. I would love to see people's responses. Show the child and mother live. Then, people are randomly asked, "Push button to kill this person immediately or you will be put in jail and shamed for life." Let's see how they react to that guilt for eternity.
There's a quote from Game of Thrones that I think of often. The setting is that 3 brutal high-class leaders have to decide which one of them will die as punishment. They start getting nervous, so Tyrion says:
It always seems a bit abstract, doesn't it, other people dying?
I find it validating.
They could potentially fix it for even cheaper by repairing the piece:
- take the piece off
- let it dry out
- find the break in the seal
- use an adhesive to reseal the break
- install the piece back on the car
It's a little more effort and time without the working light, but it might be helpful depending on @[email protected]'s financial situation.
A: Did Delaware a New Jersey?
B: Idaho. Alaska.