More like MBA conduct ... number must go up now!!! Not later, now!!!
Nice! Thanks for sharing
Maybe just maybe Intel... You should consider sticking to the same socket for a longer period and generally increasing the long term value proposition. Especially considering the amount of stagnation that came from your company in the desktop space.
Kagi is more of a private search company than an AI search company, but you need AI in your marketing to get funding these days.
They have done a pretty decent job of actually making useful applications of AI though; their summarizer tool is actually quite useful. It normally at least gets the jist of the page or YouTube video you're looking at.
They also have taken steps to protect user privacy with their privacy pass extension ... and they've announced a Linux port of Orion is on the way.
I'd feel much better if Orion was open source; but Kagi does seem to be taking their privacy commitments seriously.
But there is no such implementation AFAIK? How is it making Typescript faster if it's a completely new implementation?
Well a new implementation running TypeScript could be 10x faster than the traditional e.g., NodeJS implementation or something; it's not unusual for things to be compared in such a way.
But certainly, in theory it could become unshackled from JavaScript. Have there been any serious attempts to do so though?
No idea! :)
I... Don't know about that. I mean, you could implement a browser or even a runtime library that used typescript (or a subset thereof) to directly write LLVM; it would take a lot of work, but typescript doesn't have to just be for transpiling.
I don't know for sure what we learned, but I remember my Spanish teacher talking about a girl from Spain that came to her class and didn't do her work.
Apparently the girl wasn't doing well in Spanish class and later accused the teacher of teaching "gutter Mexican."
Which ... honestly didn't hit me as the flex my Spanish teacher seemed to be making it out to be.
0% have authority to stand against. Roughly 28% or something voted against.
That's actually true, the American accent (excluding the southern accent) is the closest thing to the original English accent we know of.
The modern British accent and the Aussie accent that derived from it came to be in either the 19th or 20th century, I forget which.
An arc of electricity in a pitch black room.
The filibuster is a thing and that regularly prevents anything from getting done without 60 votes.
Obama in his book (A Promised Land) talks about this and how his biggest regret is not ending the filibuster as his first action because it proceeded to cripple his entire administration and agenda for the majority of his presidency.
Nutritionally, it's terrible either way.
I think your body would have a better time with it spread out over the course of the entire day. However you're still absorbing an insane amount of sugar in a single day.
There's a chance all at once would result in more of it being pooped out and thus be better ... but it's so close to just eating sugar I expect you'd absorb it and then your body would go into overdrive producing insulin.
Fine every now and then, but regularly it would be insanely bad no matter which way you do it.